A Revolutionary Act

Mankind has a habit of telling stories with an underlying truism. They are parables to warn others not to engage in the follies depicted. One of the most famous is the Emperor’s New Clothes. Everyone goes along with the farce, pretending that it is real until a small boy exposes the lie through his naiveite. So it was with this child.

Primary school staff on the Isle of Wight warned a six-year-old boy’s parents that he may be deemed ‘transphobic’ if he were to question another pupil wearing a dress.

Sally and Nigel Rowe, whose sons attended a Church of England school, say they received a letter from the headteacher and chair of governors which declared pupils could be seen as transphobic if they showed ‘an inability to believe a transgender person is actually a ”real” female or male.’

The inability to see the parallel here is staggering. That in the twenty-first century we are expected to not only believe a lie, but to propagate it as if it is truth, when it is clearly not – when our very eyes tell us it is not. Indeed, a six foot, bearded man in a dress is a woman if he says he is and reality be damned. It takes a child to state the obvious. A boy (or man) wearing women’s clothes is not a woman and vice versa. This boy is not transphobic because there is no such thing – it’s another in a long list of artificial mental illnesses made up to crush dissent. A transwoman is not a real woman and never will be. Even if this person has had the operation, taken the hormones and had feminising facial surgery, they will, until the day they die, have XY chromosomes, non-childbearing hips and a prostate. In other words, they were born a man and they will die a man. If they want to go through the transitioning process, that’s fine and dandy. If they ask those around them to treat them as such, most people will be polite, but let’s not pretend here, they will never be a real woman because biology trumps delusion and always will.

For a school to be insisting on this agenda is appalling. For a school to insist that people engage in obvious lies and be forced to go along with it is child abuse.

As Orwell once said, in an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. That boy is a young revolutionary.

The couple, who now home-school both their children on the Isle of Wight, have objected to the guidance being given at their children’s former school and called for a judicial review of the Department for Education’s decision to provide guidelines on the issue to state schools.

They were granted permission for a judicial challenge and a hearing will take place later this year.

Good for them. I hope they win. This nonsense needs pushback.

For the record, I’ve spent time with some trans people and they look upon misgendering as an occupational hazard and shrug it off. It’s the activists who are getting nasty about it.


  1. The activists are always looking for a cause to fuel their activism, even if the people ‘of the cause’ don’t want that. People ‘of the cause’ will be used then cast aside once all the fuel has been used up.

    Look at how Labour (the Party of activism) used to support The Working Man, Feminism, and The Gays. Now other causes provide more easily extracted fuel, but now they are reduced to exploiting rich but tiny deposits that will soon be depleted.

  2. ’ For a school to be insisting on this agenda is appalling. For a school to insist that people engage in obvious lies and be forced to go along with it is child abuse.’

    And for a Church of England school to insist on it shows just how far that ‘long march through the institutions’ has got.

  3. I’d love to have all these activists named. Also the ‘woke’. Lets get their names and pictures published for all to see. I want to know who these people are who are trying to destroy our history and country.

  4. Why is asking questions deemed to be phobic anyway? He’s probably asking out of genuine curiosity and kids of that age are not usually judgemental at all and tend to accept things as they are. Faced with a lack of actual discrimination certain people will feel the need to stir some up.

    • Because they say so. Some of them. Today.

      These statements aren’t there to provide information, they are made for effect; part of the ongoing browbeating of ordinary rational people to show us who’s in charge and force us to acknowledge it. We remain susceptible to it as long as we’re thinking about the content, not the intent.

  5. Play them at their own game.Recently on a long car journey, I became desperate for a pee.At 84 years old, the bladder control is not what it was. Spotting a roadside convenience I stopped the car and dived inside,just in time. When I reemerged my wife said, “you realise you have just used the ladies don’t you” to which I replied ” I just identified as a woman “.

  6. it’s the same BS spewed about anyone who opposes a Left, Establishment, Woke agenda: Sex, gender, race, RoP, Covid, Green…

    “You’re a denier”, “You’re xyzPhobic”, “You’re a fascist, nazi, uncaring…”, “You’re a conspiracy theorist”…

    “You’re a murderous anti-vaxxer”:

    Today’s pandemic response is eerily similar to the smallpox pandemic response

    Steve Kirsch tells the story of the 19th century smallpox vaccine mandates that were removed after a public backlash following suspicion they were making things worse.

    Here is the key paragraph right at the start if you are short on time:

    Eventually, one of the largest protests of the century occurred in 1885 in Leicester (an English city). Leicester‘s government was replaced, mandatory vaccination abolished, and public health measures rejected by the medical community were implemented. These measures were highly successful, and once adopted globally ended the smallpox epidemic, something most erroneously believed arose from vaccination.

    In short, what worked was a mass protest + implementing new health measures that were opposed by the medical community. When these measures worked, most people believed it was the vaccine that finally saved everyone


    Think about that and spread it

    • Yesterday I was told by a colleague that his one year old grandson, whose mother thought he was a bit unwell, was refused an appointment to see the family doctor unless he (the one year old) could produce a negative Wuflu test.
      Mind you this is in Scotland – you know that Marxist outpost north of Hadlrians (oh sorry – that should the Harridans Wall.)

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