
So, after two years, it goes out with a whimper.

  • Boris Johnson announces an end to all Covid restrictions in England, saying the country will now rely on vaccines and treatments
  • From Thursday, people with a positive test will no longer need to self-isolate and special payments for them will end

Apart from the fact that I’ve probably lost around £10k in work and spent months in solitary confinement as a consequence of not being able to work, none of this means anything to me. Had I been texted or pinged (how? You didn’t have the app – Ed), I would have ignored it. If I got ill, I’d have done what I always do and stay home in bed. The only time I agreed to being tested was when I went into hospital, otherwise, I didn’t because there was no need. I never wore a mask, and ignored the antisocial distancing rules. I also pooh-poohed the ridiculous bubbles the Christmas before last. So, it may be coming to an end, but for someone who has studiously ignored each and every rule – and if the DVSA hadn’t pulled the plug on testing, I’d have ignored that one, too (although I did do a little advanced training when, strictly speaking, I wasn’t supposed to), nothing changes for me. I pretty much carried on as normal.

So… Er… What’s all the fuss about? Are we to be hanging Half-Whitty and his cronies from the nearest lamppost? No? Well, get back to me when there’s some real news.


  1. Be interesting to see what they say for care workers. We are still having to test before every shift (Lfts). Also All the way through, even now we have to wear masks when outside with clients. The fact that clients don’t wear masks, none of us can understand this silly rule. I bet they will not change anything for us.

    • So, Boris hasn’t really announced an end to *all* restrictions then? Incidentally, the laws they put in place 2 years ago haven’t been repealed so all these regulations can be bought back at any time. Boris hasn’t really ended anything.

  2. Hey, there’s another Booster for the Booster I already ignored.
    Dilemma. Will Booster#2 only work if I have already had Booster#1 or do I have to have a double catch-up booster, or maybe they have a Super Booster hidden up their Corporate sleeve.
    Meanwhile Wee Nippie does not want to loose the power. Except the North British coffers are empty. Thank God she has no more tax raising powers.

  3. As an optimist, I am hoping that as people realise the scale of the mistakes and the hopeless ‘mathematical’ models that were behind them, they will start being more sceptical of all new-age fake religions, and be less believing of the XR terrorist hysteria and the Doom Goblin’s Gretards.

    Yes, I know. Unlikely. But there has to be hope.

    • Well, I’ll be buggered. She’s announced an end to (apparently) everything by the end of March. I’ll believe it when I see it.

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