Yah Don’t Say….

Flawed data apparently.

Scientists did not have accurate Covid data when they predicted that 500,000 people could die if the UK took no action during the first wave of the pandemic.

Modelling from Professor Neil Ferguson and colleagues at Imperial College London published on March 16, 2020, predicted the NHS would be overwhelmed within weeks and a terrible death toll would arise if nothing was done to stop the spread of the disease.

Prior to the ‘Report 9’ paper, the Government’s initial Covid strategy had been to ‘mitigate’ the spread and build up ‘herd immunity’ rather than suppress the first wave.

However, sticking to these plans – allowing the spread to continue but slowing it down with limited measures such as home isolation – would still have resulted in 250,000 deaths, according to Imperial’s mathematical model.

The stark modelling is understood to have single-handedly led to the decision to move away from herd immunity to a national lockdown on March 23.

But minutes from a SPI-M (Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling) meeting released to The Telegraph following a Freedom of Information request have shown that, a week earlier, the modellers remained ‘uncertain’ of case numbers ‘due to data limitations’.

In which case, they should have been honest instead of making up utter bullshit figures. What they did was perpetrate a massive fraud and each and every one of them should be doing time for this.


  1. The data was there in Feb 2020, but Ferguson, SAGE etc decided to ignore it. They did exactly the same in Nov/Dec 2021 with Omicron strain and 6,000 deaths per day forecast

    If in Feb 2020 I could conclude it was at most “bad Flu” they could too. Karl Henigan etc concluded same as I did

    It was a socialist/communist coup aided by China & their puppet WHO

  2. As the old saying, “Rubbish in = Rubbish out”

    As Dr Briggs has often said, “Models ALWAYS give the result that you want !”.

  3. This really does need to be broadcast far and wide. Otherwise it will be only us conspiracy nuts who get to know about it. Why anyone would be surprised given Ferguson’s track record is beyond me. Why did nobody think to say, ‘yeah Dr. Ferg, but you said that about CJD and look how that turned out.’

  4. How come everyone with an ounce of common sense realised this whole thing was exaggerated manyfold by the same crew who have form for such hysteria, but the govt who we are supposed to respect and rely on fell for it once again, cobblers.

    No, just no, they don’t get to offer such bollocks as mitigation, it wasn’t just our country that went full on panic it was everywhere, did the whole western world fall for professor pantsdown’s predictions from his flawed calculations?

    The search for scapegoats to satisfy the media consumers is on, the soon to arrive crippling and inflationary rises in energy taxes etc and the devastation they wil mean to many will see a few million more sheep requiring someone to blame, you can see it taking shape already.

    Anyway, isn’t Covid forgotten now the Russian bogeyman is the new world (order) enemy.

    • HeyJuud,
      You ain’t seen nutin yet!
      Just wait for the ultimate crap on global warming from our masters at the IPPC being released today.
      We’re doomed, doomed I tell ya!

  5. The western world has asked for this. Too many people want the Government to protect them against everything, so ‘being seen to be doing something’ has become Government position and requires serious over reactions to achieve

    • Yes, this. We should have been allowed to be self reliant and make our own decisions on how much risk we were prepared to expose ourselves to. Not only did the government impose all this lockdown crap on us but 95% of the population welcomed it and poured out hatred on anyone who swam against the tide. Remember the snitcher’s hotlines? I’ve no idea why people believe what politicians tell them when they have such a reputation for lying, likewise the BBC, but there you go.

      • Having worked with the public for the past 15+ years in a serious area of their lives I am in no doubt that many people are like children. They can’t weigh up risk and make decisions, they want someone else to tell them what to do. They wouldn’t be able to cope with the idea that the government isn’t their friend.

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