Covid Shmovid

So covid is now less virulent than flu. Well, at it’s peak it was about on par, so not really something that we should have panicked about.

Covid is now less deadly than the flu in England thanks to Omicron‘s milder nature and sky-high immunity rates, MailOnline analysis suggests.

Government figures indicate the virus had a mortality rate of around 0.2 per cent before the ultra-transmissible strain erupted onto the scene. But this has since plunged seven-fold to as little as 0.03 per cent, meaning it kills effectively just one in every 3,300 people who get infected.

Out here in the real world, we call that ‘normal.’


  1. Further to that thread, I particularly liked this comment a out the definition of safe when discussing vaccines.


    They changed the definition of pandemic.

    They changed the definition of immunity.

    They changed the definition of vaccine.

    They changed the definition of fully vaccinated.

    They changed the definition of herd immunity.

    Might as well change the definition of safe.

    Might as well change the definition of effective too.

  2. Agreed, and an honest and competent government would have made available accurate information on the potential risks and the claimed benefits so that people could make an informed decision. Also, once made that decision should have been respected.

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