Bullet Dodged

Any man who fails this awful woman’s ‘tests‘ has dodged a massive bullet, frankly.

In a video that has been viewed more than 150,000 times, she explained that her first goal is to see if the man offers to pay for their first date.

“Let’s stop this conversation and the back and forth, 50/50 bullsh**t, first date; he needs to be paying 100 per cent,” she said.

She revealed that if they don’t pay the full bill she’ll be running in the opposite direction.

50/50 seems to be the thing these days as it avoids expectations and keeps things light. A first date is very much about finding out if you want to see this person again. Tests at this stage are a massive red flag. I see a lot of cats in this woman’s future, frankly.

“I wanna see if you will give me the shirt off your back, and if you don’t, you’re dead to me,” she said.

You’ve barely got to know each other, Jeez. I’d have been running in the opposite direction well before this, frankly. What a nasty, entitled, obnoxious cow she is. One to avoid.


  1. Reminds me of that BBC(?) programme “Snog, Marry, Avoid”

    Gabby is fully in Avoid, run away, even punch her category

    “If she gets a man that meets the spec, they deserve each other”

    Like Carrie Johnson, but we’re all Paying the price for that

  2. I don’t think that being that analytical is likely to work anyway, relationships aren’t like that. Life isn’t like that either really is it? It tends to be much more random and chaotic, no matter how much you try to stay in control of it. Anyway, now she has put this stuff out in the public domain, every male on the planet will know to stay away from her.

  3. I suggest that we make silicone wristbands bearing the word ‘Princess’. The bands being pink with false diamonds, of course.

    That way sensible people (men and women) can save time by not engaging with such a person, and the ‘Princess’ only gets to be courted by those who recognise their place.

  4. She’s also a typical bimbo with far too much make-up plastered on. I would run away myself, if that’s what turned up, before she even started testing

    • There’s a particular look adopted by certain young women that raises red flags. The lip filler and the plucked eyebrows replaced with painted on rectangular ones that would put Groucho Marx to shame being but two of them.

  5. I think ‘Be careful what you wish for’ might be appropriate advice here.

    I have seen two friends go through divorce from domineering husbands who would initially have passed her tests with flying colours – in each case, the insistence on paying for everything, the protective gestures and the lavish gifts eventually developed into the sort of controlling behaviour now classified as domestic abuse. (That is not to say all chivalrous men are controlling, of course; merely that her criteria won’t weed out the wrong ‘uns and might even increase her chances of getting involved with one).

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