Arguing With Idiots on the Internet

An occasional series this one. As I find myself using Farcebook for work purposes, I am exposed to some of the idiocy that bubbles away there and sometimes, winding the buggers up is just too tempting. This series of comments comes from the Free Speech Union’s post about the idiot Medcalf and his statement regarding male and female bodies. While most of the comments are pretty based, you do get the occasional moron who thinks that ordinary people will succumb to the sophistry inherent in the trans ideology. It would be churlish not to engage…

Enter the moron.

Well, that is just asking for it.

My approach with these idiots is to stick to facts and logic and let them tie themselves up in knots, so lets see how this one does.

Nice try, but no cigar.

Basic biology. The cell is the building block and inside that are the chromosomes that identify whether we are male or female. Again, basic biology.

We are straying into strawman territory here. That isn’t what I said, but then, this person isn’t very bright. In fact, I detect a university education at play. He is incapable of presenting or following a logical argument – which is either a problem or shooting fish in the proverbial barrel depending on how you look at it.

So I am repeating myself, reminding this person about basic biology. Facts, dear boy, facts…

This is what we are up against. A generation of people who have had the ability to tell the difference between a verifiable fact and opinion educated out of them. What we see is pure emotion. Not once have we had a fact presented to rebut my arguments.


Channelling my best Ben Shapiro there.

It’s at this point that I find myself scratching my head. Is it possible to be this stupid? Apparently so. Again, when presented with facts, we get feelz. That said, while some transwomen can pass pretty well, an awful lot look pretty dire. But even the good ones are generally easily spotted. If nothing else, the body shape is a giveaway. Something else I’ve come across is the tendency for both transwomen and their admirers to have a somewhat idealised view of femininity and what we get is a caricature. Perhaps this person hasn’t met many real women?

Again, let’s stick to facts.

Well, that didn’t take long. Of course, it was expected. He has no argument and when challenged resorts to insult because that is all he has.

Followed by…

Clearly they still think that transphobia is a real thing. Anyway, my response appears to be the last word – for the moment.

So what does this tell us that we didn’t already know? Not much really. They will use emotion, fallacy, sophistry and eventually insult when challenged. Not once during this brief discussion did we see anything remotely resembling scientific fact and when faced with it, we get the transphobe insult thrown out. But as I said, that slur no longer has any bite – if it ever did.

However, while this may seem futile, remember plenty of ordinary people will read this exchange and it is for their benefit that I do this. It is for them to see that we can and will stand up to this nonsense and for them to see that they are not alone in seeing it for what it is. Also, that when faced with implacable facts, reason, logic and evidence, the activist has no response other than to resort to insults and childish hissy fits. People can see them for what they are. Hopefully this is my little bit to assist the pushback against this insane, vile ideology.



  1. Good joust @LR. As you’ve demonstrated idealogues don’t care about facts, logic or reality. In their many worlds emotion and ‘feelz’ rules

    Trans, Covid, Green/AGW, EU, Ukraine, Poltics (esp Trump)

    I will end with weekend humour for your enjoyment

    Russian Roulette
     [Exactly my words a few months ago]

    Match of the Whey

    Good Night and God Bless

  2. All they can do is throw abuse, but their “education” has been such that they genuinely believe that they are engaging in debate.

    I read this and I try to imagine what is going through the head of this person, as it is likely they truly believe what they are saying.

    Either he will go through the rest of his life unchanged, or at some point he will have to acknowledge reality. Neither will be very pleasant and there is a part (a small part!) of me that does feel a twinge of sympathy.

    Here is somebody who in essence has been wrongly imprisoned and who at some point will be released into a cruel hard world that will utterly despise him.

    • Yes, he does belive it. There’s something distinctly soviet about the whole thing. The adults in the room cannot be persuaded to belive obvious absurdity, but the youth have been indoctrinated through their education, so cannot comprehend anyone not believing it. Hence the hissy fits when challenged. It’s all they have.

      I look upon it as a duty to burst their bubble whenever the opportunity presents itself. It’s a public service.

    • Good point. GB News on Friday interviewed public on molly-coddling children

      Woman: First time they Fail is when they sit driving test

      True and I’m sure Left have a plan

      Fail: Universities outraged Gov’t wants to limit “loans” to those with at least two Grade E A Level Passes


      • Of course they would be outraged, the student loan scam is how they fund their lifestyle.

  3. Interesting that if you follow the Match of the Whey link you get a similar exchange in the comments there. The thread is immediately invaded by a chemtrails nutter. As the article is obviously satire, I thought at first that he was joking. Nope, he’s actually serious and is being taken down by someone who is a little more grounded in reality.

  4. I’m reminded of the Science and Religion debate posed as Non-Overlapping Magisteria (NOMA). It ‘works’ if science and religion stick to their ‘magisterias’ but it fails when either wanders over the line.

    Now you could make an argument that there are two magisteria in the debate above. There is social gender values versus the scientific sexes truth. To some extent the scientific arguments are talking past the social gender arguments.

    But the scientific/religious NOMA failed when (mostly) religion insisted in addressing scientific issues. They couldn’t help themselves colouring outside the lines. Same with this debate. You could have a perfectly reasonable debate about how to treat people who change their social gender, but when it spills over into biology the debate collapses.

    • You could have a perfectly reasonable debate about how to treat people who change their social gender

      You could, if they were willing to have a good faith discussion. However, that is not what they want. They want compliance. They want us to go along with their denial of science, they want compelled speech with their ridiculous pronouns.

      One good thing about social media is that their idiocy is exposed to the wider population and it isn’t going down well. You will get these dissuasions crop up regularly and someone like Evans will come on with these nonsensical arguments and one after another, people pile in to take them down. I saw one recently where eventually, the person involved went back and deleted all of his comments because everyone was ripping him a new one.

      The trans ideology is very much a minority position, but the echo chambers in the universities are failing to prepare them for exposure to the wider world and the wider world isn’t playing nice. It will all end in tears.

  5. “Something else I’ve come across is the tendency for both transwomen and their admirers to have a somewhat idealised view of femininity and what we get is a caricature.” That!
    Also: ‘We don’ wan’ no steenking facts!’

  6. Interesting that he believes transgender women are men ‘with a woman’s soul’ as the Left are usually atheists…

  7. @Pcar
    “Fail: Universities outraged Gov’t wants to limit “loans” to those with at least two Grade E A Level Passes”

    Of course. Universities have long since ceased being places of higher education.
    They are now subsidy farming businesses, whose goal is to collect as many student loans as they can, for the minimum effort. On those terms, having bright students is a drawback, as they might catch on.
    The Government collaborates in the scam, because it’s to their advantage to indenture as many as possible with lifelong loans. Serfdom, in a modern context.

  8. @DiscoveredJoys [Troll]

    You could have a perfectly reasonable debate about how to treat people who change their social gender

    Yep, such as do your utmost to behave, look and speak like the gender you want to be. Don’t stand out from the crowd and don’t push yourself in other people’s faces screaming about your rights and world must revolve around you.

    Simple one: if one doesn’t look like a woman, but claims not a man; use disabled loo

    As I’ve frequently said, we had more acceptance and tolerance of gay, TV, TG etc in 80s than we do now. Then the Blair creature appeared and identity politics, multi-culti etc deliberately (and admitted) rammed down our throats


    indenture as many as possible with lifelong loans

    If only. They don’t repay until earning “enough” and loan cancelled after xx years with taxpayer paying instead

    They should be repaying from 1st September after end of Uni, even if unemployed

  9. You are the sex you are from conception. This is determined by a pair os sex chromosomes found in every cell of your body. XX = female and XY = male. You cannot change sex. It is genetically determined. You can pretend but that’s all it is. Acting. I have used this basic science to destroy their arguments but it is a cult and like most religions, deaf to reality. That’s when the name callings start and the phobia one is the first. But these morons do not understand what a phobia is. Severe mental health problem not a simple dislike.

  10. Longrider. What an absolutely superb challenge to a member of the gender identity cult. A brilliant takedown using established scientific facts about humanity.

    • Thanks. This one was a pushover as it turned out. They seem to think that calling me a transphobe is like kryptonite. Unfortunately for them, I simply use it as a measure and that I am laughing at them when they do it. I time it to see how long it takes them to come up with it, having lost the debate. This was about ten minutes from start to transphobe.

  11. The word ‘Transphobe’ is just another ‘snarl’ word that is used in place of a decent argument. It’s used to shut down debate by those who do not wish to or cannot defend their position especially their ideological position. The words ‘fascist’, ‘nazi’, ‘racist’ etc etc are used in a similar way.

  12. Would it help if we did away with the little stick figures on the bog doors and marked them XX and XY instead?

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