All About Meeeeeee

God almighty, everything has to be about trans now.

A little-known American author is releasing a book which imagines a world where people with Y chromosomes disappear – sparking a war with trans activists online.

Some of the criticisms centre around the text itself and the world building. I’ve not read it, so I can’t comment on that aspect. However…

‘She only makes it worse by trying to wokeify the text, sprinkling in mentions of trans and nonbinary people in the clumsiest way possible as if she remembered in the final draft that trans people existed and had to be accounted for in her scheme of damnation.’

Why bother? Seriously. These people account for less than 1% of the population. If there is a good reason to write about such a character, then fine, but otherwise, don’t. I don’t. And I have no plans to, either. Given the increasingly shrill demands of the trans lobby, any possibility of including that demographic in my stories is now zero. Given that you cannot please these people, why even try?

In this instance, the idea of half the population vanishing is an interesting one to explore – whether it is the men or the women who vanish, it certainly provides food for thought about how humanity would survive. One generation, frankly, but it makes for an interesting story. But, yeah, the trans lobby just has to muscle in. After all, everything is all about them and if it isn’t, it damned well should be or they will scream and scream until they are sick.


  1. God almighty, everything has to be about trans now

    Result: as with blacks, gays etc public pissed off and turning against them

    Meanwhile those who try to invisibly fit in called out and uncomfortable.

    Big losers are TVs who are now effectively compelled to be TG/TS and young gay/les indoctrinated, Iran style, to be TG/TS

    This is not free ‘diversity & inclusion’; it’s putting people in a prison

    PS Stick insects can reproduce with with no Y insemination. All offspring are female with mother’s XX

  2. A whole new genre: dildo futures?

    Next thing apparently is a feminist version of 1984.

    I’m almost tempted! Sheer morbid curiosity. Take the toxic patriachy out of dystopia and you have……?!!!

  3. “Next thing apparently is a feminist version of 1984.
    I’m almost tempted! Sheer morbid curiosity. Take the toxic patriachy out of dystopia and you have……?!!!”

    Big sister handing out spanking?

  4. OT but I thought that you might find this interesting.
    I found it following a link from the Diabetes UK support forum. I didn’t see my specialist nurse for about two years, a few months into lockdown I had a phone interview, that was it. I hasten to add that in more normal times our local surgery provides excellent care for diabetics but ceased to do so during the Covid lockdown. I take personal responsibility for managing my diabetes as it isn’t too severe, so I was not adversely affected too much. Others don’t seem to have fared quite as well. How many people with other medical conditions have been finished off by the government’s single issue obsession? Also let’s not forget that the opposition parties, rather than opposing, kept saying that the deranged government policies weren’t deranged enough.

    • DP, I *think* I actually read Wyndham’s story at some point in the mid/late 1960s! An interesting juxtaposition to Heinlein and “Stranger In A Strange Land”! (“FRONT!”)

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