Any Excuse

Price rises. Of course.

Boris Johnson‘s post-Brexit push to return to imperial measurements will mean even higher prices for already stuggling Britons, retailers have warned.

The Government is this week set to launch a consultation on the extent to which Britain should adopt imperial measurements – such as pounds and ounces – after leaving the EU.

The plans, which coincide with the Queen‘s Platinum Jubilee, will also see pub landlords told how they can serve pints in glasses adorned with a Crown.

It has been claimed that the previous EU requirement for a ‘CE’ mark, introduced in 2004, effectively led to the removal of the Crown symbol from pint glasses.

So far as I understand it, the repeal of the EU legislation merely removes the requirement to sell in metric. It is not forcing retailers to sell in imperial. They can now do so if they so wish without the risk of prosecution. As time goes on, those who wish to sell in imperial can phase in new packaging to suit. No need for price rises.


  1. Thank goodness for markets (in the wider sense).
    Sure, some participants may raise their prices to try and make a buck, but other participants will see the opportunity to steal business by retaining the lower price, thus forcing prices down again.
    Big nothing burger really.

  2. So far as I understand it

    Correct. It’s freedom of choice

    Retailers already sell milk by pints with label showing Pints & Litres. If retailers want to add 1lb to a 454g label it’s virtually zero cost

    Retailers said: Sainsbury’s and other Left & Remoaner firms

    Meanwhile in real world

    UK’s Labour Government terminates contract with P&O Ferries over mass sackings
    Ignores P&O sacked the x2 overmaning staff to avoid bankruptcy, maybe they will bankrupt now

  3. When we moved from Imperial to Metric back in the year dot retailers took advantage and ripped off consumers. It isn’t a great leap to imagine that the same will happen going the other way.

    Just wish our government would stop tinkering with everything.

  4. *sigh* “Experts”, go and take a look at the stuff in your kitchen. If your jar of jam or bottle of Fairy Liquid isn’t in a round number of grams or milliliters (and you’d be surprised how many aren’t), then it’s in Imperial. It just doesn’t say so. All Boris is talking about is allowing it to.

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