Pride Before a Fall

Simon Webb discusses Pride month. As usual, the corporations are out virtue-signalling like crazy, as I mentioned yesterday with WordPress pushing this stuff unwanted onto my phone. My position is the same as Webb’s here. Fine, do your thing, but don’t push it on others and don’t expect others to celebrate it. I certainly won’t be.


  1. Not caring to get involved seems perfectly acceptable, unless you have bought into the ‘narrative’. The Borg cannot accept other people not wishing to be assimilated.

  2. Damn! I wouldn’t have know about this if you hadn’t mentioned it. Why be proud of being abnormal?

  3. As no surpise to anyone, same as BLM, XR etc

    Monkeypox, like Covid, only infects those on the right. Starmer, Biden, Harris, Welby missed the message

    “WHO insists Pride parades pose low monkeypox risk”
    Andy Seale, from the agency’s department for HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections, said in a briefing yesterday there was “no reason to be concerned” about catching the virus at these events as the risk relates to indoor activities, reports the Mail. Of course, this assumes there are no indoor Pride-related activities…

    Monkeypox, like Covid, is a hyped up nothingburger – don’t fall for Project Fear again

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