
I just made up a word. Well, if the woke can do it, so can I. Have a look at this video and we will discuss.

Firstly, lets get a few things out of the way. There is no such thing as transfauxbia. A phobia is a specific clinical condition involving an extreme fear or hatred that manifests physical symptoms. Disagreeing with trans ideology is not a phobia. To claim that it is, is lying.

No one, absolutely no one ever, has had anything assigned at birth. This risible bullshit keeps being spouted and it is still risible bullshit.

There is no such thing as cisgender. Indeed, outside of the insane trans ideology, men and women alike, find the term deeply offensive. So, these terms of refence do not apply and I refuse to go along with them.

The general thrust here is that we should be attracted to someone based upon how they present. However, if they are presenting a lie, then it’s perfectly rational to decline. According to these people saying that you will never date a trans person is a phobia. It is not. Sexuality is hardwired and the vast majority of us are hard wired to be attracted to the opposite sex. This is a basic survival mechanism in a sexually dimorphic species that wishes to reproduce. I would never date a transwoman because I am not homosexual. Homosexual men won’t because they aren’t attracted to femininity and so on. Sexuality is not a phobia, it is hard wired.

Given this, some trans people try to hide the fact, then get all upset when their prospective mate is outraged at the reveal. Well, yes, it’s a pretty big deception going on. Imagine that you are a young man seeking a life partner and eventually a family only to find that the girl of your dreams has a dick. Or even if they’ve had what is euphemistically called ‘bottom surgery’ they are still infertile and they are still the sex they were born with. But, again, it’s the lie. So if they are straight up at the outset, then prospective partners decline at the outset and this, apparently, is wrong – transfauxbic. But it is not. Heterosexual men are attracted to women, not men who are presenting as women and vice versa. It’s nature and the trans lobby are seeking to subvert nature by calling us phobes because we won’t date them.

It’s worth pointing out here that we are very good at picking up on secondary sexual characteristics. Despite how someone presents, we can usually detect biological sex. Even if someone passes well, there is body shape and deportment that gives things away. But even if that slips under the radar, the moment they open their mouths, the game is up.

Bottom line here, despite cranks such as the one in the video, no, you are not transfauxbic if you state that you will never date a trans person. You are merely expressing your hard wired sexual preference.

There are, however, men who are attracted to transwomen. They are known as admirers. They have a fetishised view of femininity that transwomen seem to present. They don’t mind engaging in homosexual activity as they convince themselves that the person they are having sex with is really a woman. So, there is a solution without smearing the rest of us with the transfauxbia label.


  1. “No one, absolutely no one ever, has had anything assigned at birth.”

    That’s not quite true. The number is very small but not zero. According to Wikipedia (yes, I know): “Sex assignment at birth usually aligns with a child’s anatomical sex and phenotype. The number of births with ambiguous genitals is in the range of 0.02% to 0.05%.” That the trans lobby has latched onto the “assigned at birth” idea doesn’t mean it’s not true, just that it’s mostly not true.

  2. Trannies and Co seem to have latched onto the Violet Elizabeth Bott approach: “I’ll thqueam and thqueam until I’m thick”. They’ve certainly got that bit right . . .

  3. Your sex is ‘assigned’ at conception and is genetically determined for life. It cannot be changed. What you wrote above is all correct. We are hard wired to be attracted to the opposite sex, most of us at any rate. So a trans woman, being a man, has no chance with a heterosexual male. I still think the terms cis and trans belong to chemistry not the human condition.

    • I still think the terms cis and trans belong to chemistry not the human condition.

      Yup. And I will play their own game here and point out how offensive it is to refer to me as ‘cis.’ I am not. I am male. That’s it. I am not attracted to other men, so I am heterosexual. Ergo, I will never date a trans person.

  4. “The general thrust here is that we should be attracted to someone based upon how they present.”

    Presumably when little miss trans meets her prince and selects him as a mate on the grounds he’s a doctor with a nice car, good salary and 4 bed house in Surrey, she/he won’t be at all upset to discover after the wedding that he actually works in MacDonald’s on minimum wage, his BMW was on hire and the house was his parents, who he was house sitting for while they were away abroad, and he actually lives in bedsit above kebab shop.

  5. I think that what really gets up activists noses is not peoples’ ‘phobias’ but their indifference.

    “Look at me I’m special!!!”


  6. Transfauxbia is like all the Woke Left’s fake phobias: homo, islam, black, whatever

    With the exception of islamics few Fear them, they simply don’t like their behaviours being rammed down our throats and being punished for not accepting all they demand

    – Women fear the trans who are fake, like that Canadian creature, as they have a propensity to rape women and msm & police do nothing

    – Many are wary, fearful of islamics as their religion encourages killing of all non-islamic

    On “presenting” iirc yesterday a women was prosecuted for pretending to be a man and shagging women with a strap-on

    One segment being damaged and ignored by this Left TS crusade is TVs which vastly outnumber TS; also the TS – majority(?) – who want a quiet life, not attention

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