On Being Polite

I prefer politeness in disagreement. However, political debate has become increasingly toxic and polarised of late. There is also the expectation that those on the receiving end of bad behaviour must just suck it up. For once a conservative has hit back albeit very mildly.

New education minister Andrea Jenkyns says she raised her middle finger to a crowd outside Downing Street as a response to a “baying mob”.

Social media footage showed the MP gesturing shortly before Boris Johnson’s resignation.

Explaining her actions, she said a group outside the gates were “insulting MPs… as is sadly all too common”.

She said she should have shown more composure “but is only human”.

Undignified? Yup. But wholly deserved and somewhat refreshing to see. A middle finger is the very least these baying mobs deserve. I despise the mob. Hate them with a visceral loathing that is hard to describe. They are bullies and defiance in the face of bullies is the only appropriate response, so I’m with Jenkins all the way on this one. Now, who’s going to give that arsehole Steve Bray the two fingers and tell him where to stick his megaphone?


  1. There is a simple rule: if treated with courtesy, be courteous. If faced with a violent aggressive person or persons, respond with the contempt they invite. Never show fear. And never escalate unless they do.

    This is proper behaviour for a civilised human. Although I heartily approve of telling baying mobs to “Go swivel.”

  2. No, no. No. Not THERE.
    What appears to emanate from his mouth is just the attenuated emission from there.
    But I do think that the single digit is a poor USA import when the archers’ response is so much more British.

  3. I understand the sentiment but it is yet another symbol of the decline in standards from those who wish to completely regulate mine.

    I remember the uproar when Princess Anne and Harvey Smith did likewise. Now, hardly a murmur.

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