Yeah, But…

So what?

Virologists have voiced concerns about the emergence of yet another rapidly spreading Omicron variant, which is rapidly gaining ground in India and has already arrived in the UK.

The BA.2.75 variant – nicknamed “Centaurus” – was first detected in India in early May. Here, cases have since risen steeply – and apparently faster than those of the extremely transmissible BA.5 variant, which is also present in India, and is rapidly displacing the previously dominant BA.2 variant in many countries.

It spreads rapidly and it is evolving. It even has a scary new name, but, so what?

Griffin cited it as yet another example of the virus’s impressive capacity to tolerate changes in its spike protein – the part it uses to infect cells, and which most Covid vaccines are based on.

So the vaccines were a bit of a waste of time then?

In addition to vaccines, longer-term plans should include variant-agnostic measures to prevent infections and reinfections. “This includes creating infection-resilient environments through improved ventilation, filtration, or sterilisation of indoor air, sensible re-provision of lateral flow tests, and appropriate and supported isolation periods that will actually reduce ongoing transmission,” he said.

Good grief!

The important bit, the only bit that really matters, is how serious is this variant? Is it more deadly? If not, why are we worried? The deafening silence on this important consideration leaves me thinking that it isn’t. If it was, they would be shouting it from the rooftops. That it is likely to be mild, means that no reaction is necessary. Let it rip and get on with our lives. The Black Death, this isn’t. Nothing to see here other than another attempt by the usual suspects to panic us. However, this boy has cried ‘wolf,’ too many times now.


  1. I saw a woman with two masks on in Asda on Tuesday. One of the guys that I know from the swimming pool, late sixties, very fit, multiple jabs, had Covid a couple of weeks ago. Said he felt very rough for a couple of days and was very tired for the following week. Pretty similar to my experience really.

    On the subject of the link to the scammer story, the guy might have got a bit of sympathy from me had he stopped sending money once his bank warned him. Instead he sent even more money to the scammer at a point when it was obvious to anyone but a complete idiot that he’d been had.

  2. I understand that the Health Ministry used the media avalanche of Johnson resigning, to quietly slip in the statistics that the majority of people who have died from covid in the last 12 months had been vaccinated (unable to download it on this tablet).
    Government cynicism doesn’t even get close.

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