Everyone aged 50 and over will be offered a Covid booster vaccine this autumn to top up their immunity and cut their risk of becoming severely ill.
No need. It’s mild. It is highly unlikely to be serious or fatal, so another vaccine is unnecessary. So, I won’t be having this one, either.
However, the immunisation campaign has been expanded as current variants are spreading quickly, it is uncertain how the virus will mutate and it is expected we will be more social this winter than in previous years so the virus will have more chance to spread.
Despite the previous jibby jabbies, it has spread. So why will this on be any different?
For some people it will be their sixth dose of a Covid vaccine.
So how did that work out, then?
Prof Anthony Harnden, the deputy chairman of the JCVI, said: “The Covid-19 boosters are highly effective at increasing immunity and, by offering a further dose to those at higher risk of severe illness this autumn, we hope to significantly reduce the risk of hospitalisations and deaths over the winter.”
That spread would appear to contradict this statement. Given that it is mild, the risks are low. If you really think that a sixth dose of an ineffective vaccine is what you want, then fine. But as stated above, I’ll decline this one, too.
There’s no way I’m letting that trash near. Got a text today from the surgery, telling me I have to wear a face nappy in there again. The doctors will probably run and hide in the fridge again, not that they ever came out from last time. They can stick it up their ass as far as I’m concerned.
About a month ago I got informed by text that a phone appointment had been scheduled for me for a lung check – just how one can do that over the phone is beyond me but still.. sure enough the phone rang the other day. “Hello” said the woman on the other end. “I’m ringing for your phone appointment. Are you okay with this?” Well, I said.. not really, since I didn’t make any appointment. If I want an appointment I’ll make one. “You should have cancelled then” said the woman, to which I replied, “YOU made it, YOU cancel it”.
At risk of repeating myself,
Son and DIL – three jabs, three bouts of wuflu, one of which was a bad one.
Memsahib – three jabs, one caused weeks of pain, one mild dose of wuflu.
Daughter – one jab which caused weeks of pain, one mild dose of wuflu.
Me – no jabs, one mild dose of wuflu over two days
2 x SIL and 2 x BIL -fully jabbed, masked, paranoid because they watch TV and read the Sun – currently enjoying a large wuflu.
I rest my case!
But, but, but, but…….this latest jab is also highly effective against hot weather because it makes you so ill you don’t go outside and die of sunstroke, so it’s essential you have your jab in the autumn because global warbling……
It would be interesting to see who does and doesn’t get the long term complications that are associated with the Wuflu. The non jabbed are going to be a useful control group and, if none of them are getting long term problems, there is likely to be some shit hitting fans.
I had three jabs with no ill effects, had Covid once, very mild symptoms, no longer term effects as far as I can tell.
I’m unjabbed and intend to stay that way. All I have read over the past few years has reinforced my belief that the ‘so-called tests’ have found nothing other than what used to be called flu, and in the jabbed, nothing that wasn’t caused by (or in) the ‘vaccines, which have done little other than damage peoples immune systems.
The various nudge groups have done a good job in perpetuating fear in the population, going from cause to cause, the latest being predicted temps of >35 degrees next week (it is normally hotter than that around the med, where people flock for holidays).
They only partially succeeded with the Scripals and Ukraine, but Russia will not play their game and keeps exposing endemic hypocrisy and corruption in the West (esp the US/UK), but this is never raised in the MSM. I expect there’ll be another panic soon, either to conceal the criminal acts during US elections, or the deceit of UK politicians, but I’ll be keeping my head down and taking no notice of bullshit.
I may not be a free man (no 6), but I’m not a mushroom!
I don’t understand why people keep having them when they self-evidently do not work, and in many cases are injurious to one’s health.
The long term effects are obviously unknown, they are untested and the fact that the manufacturers have been granted immunity from prosecution for injuring or even killing recipients should tell you all you need to know.