We’re Doomed

They just can’t help themselves.

Monkeypox has caught the world by surprise. It has long been a fixture in parts of central and western Africa where people live close to the forest animals that carry the virus.

But now it has gone global – it is spreading in ways that have not been seen before and on a scale that is unprecedented.

Run for the hills, eh? Scary virus.

There have been nearly 27,000 confirmed cases of the disease – mostly in men having sex with other men – across 88 countries.

Okay, so maybe walk very slowly for the hills. Not so scary, indeed, pretty much insignificant and contained within a small, selective demographic, so nothing much to worry about.

The World Health Organization says this is a global emergency.

FFS! If the covid debacle didn’t convince you, this over reaction should finally make you realise that this organisation is unfit for purpose.


  1. It’s prolific among men who have sex with multiple partners frequently. If they entirely consensually stopped shagging every rando who points his arse in their direction for a month this disease would stop dead in its tracks.

    Strangely enough they aren’t advocating that so they don’t actually give a shit about solving this disease. They are simply virtue signalling.

    End all WHO funding, since it is little more than an enabler of Chinese communist propaganda.

  2. If one doesn’t go down on some rando dude with blisters all over the dick one should be OK.

  3. There is an argument that MP is not a specifically gay disease, it just happens to have arisen in that demographic, and because gay men tend to associate with other gay men, especially in the extreme promiscuity section of gay men, it just looks like a gay disease to start with. But that eventually it will escape from its current target audience, and once it gets into the mass population it will go though that like a dose of salts too. And unlike covid, its a disease that is far more dangerous to the young. And being a relative of smallpox could quite easily mutate into something as virulent as that was. And as smallpox killed hundreds of millions before vaccines were created for it, you could be looking at billions of deaths in todays much larger and highly urbanised societies.


    Now I have no idea if the above is tinfoil of the highest order or not, but its worth thinking about, because even if its a 1% chance, the consequences are so immense.

    • Sure. Sensible responses like developing a vaccine along with education on the disease and how it spreads make sense. But it is not a pandemic and it is not a global emergency.

  4. If it was forbidden for say a period of 2 months to engage in homosexual behaviour this would disappear.

    • Less I would have thought, but this is the community of degenerates that complained about the closing of the bathhouses at the height of the AIDS epidemic. They give thought only to their own pleasure. Anyone attempting to circumvent that, for whatever reason is homophobic.

      It’s a play we’ve seen before and know how it ends, so I’m gonna take my indignation somewhere where it has more value than wasting it on a bunch of self-entitled degenerates who, quite frankly, DESERVE being infected with Monkey Pox.

  5. I’m tired of seeing this described as ‘mainly affecting men who have sex with men’ when it’s nothing of the sort. Monogamous gay couples have nothing to fear. And it’s cowardice in the extreme to not spell that out to everyone.

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