Oh, Pepe

The Guardian is so far to the left, that it sees Pepe the frog and similar memes as far right to be conflated with the swastika and other Nazi symbolism.

Pepe the Frog

Originally a character in an American comic book series not related to racism or antisemitism, the image has been appropriated by the “alt right” to depict extreme ideas in a supposedly humorous context.

Er, yes it is humorous. It’s taking the piss out of puffed up, self-important, far leftists who sit in the Guardian offices. They are the extremists, not the Kekistanis. Pepe memes have nothing to do with Nazis.

The people who are indoctrinating children aren’t the right – it’s the hard let who occupy the halls of academia, filling young peoples heads with their poisonous ideology, anti-white racism and contempt for our culture and history. They despise ordinary Britons and label us as far right, which, when you sit somewhere to the left of Uncle Joe, I suppose we would appear to be to them.

Scum, the lot of them.


  1. ‘Hope Not Hate’. I’m sick of these ‘Hope Not Hate’ hypocrites. The left have no problem with hatred as long as it’s hatred of people the left despise, such as Trump supporters, or people with socially conservative views. Or people who have doubts about man-made global warming. Or people who are opposed to ‘Net Zero’. Or people who refuse the corona “vaccines”. Or people who disagree with the whole ‘woke’ agenda. Or people who are critical of all those made-up phobias (homophobia, Islamophobia, transphobia, etc). And so on. You get the idea.

  2. We must always remember when people talk about racism, that a lot more foreigners have been killed by Islamic terrorists in the UK for not being Muslims.
    Than have been killed by racists for not being British. In fact even more Muslims have been killed by Muslims than people who hate Muslims have killed.

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