
More of this, please.

Furious black cab driver hauled eco zealots Just Stop Oil out of Park Lane as they attempted to block the road and sprayed paint over an Aston Martin showroom in their latest display.

One motorist bellowed at them: ‘People have got f****** work to go to’ while another added ‘people are trying to go to hospital’.

The protesters, now on their 16th day of disruption, descended on the famous London highway just after 11am with 14 of them blocking it with barriers after gluing themselves to the tarmac.

Moments later a supporter sprayed orange paint over the Aston Martin car showroom in an apparent spontaneous act of vandalism.

Among them were a pregnant mother and a musician who all vowed to continue with their deeply divisive campaign.

If the police won’t keep the King’s highway clear, then it’s down to its users. These people are indoctrinated fools. There is no climate emergency. There never was. The climate changes. Always has and always will. CO2 is not some sort of toxin, it is a trace gas essential to life on the planet.

As for the ecoloons. Protest is fine. Protest as much as you want, but blocking the highway is an offence and should be vigorously prosecuted as such.


  1. “If the police won’t keep the King’s highway clear, then it’s down to its users.”

    Yes, if our worthless coppers won’t do their effing job then other people will do it for them, the results will be entirely predictable and not pretty. Do the powers that be not know how dangerous this is?

  2. All sitting in the road, chained to each other, or glued top the surface… I suggest a good football punt to the chin is what is required.

  3. Why doesn’t Tarquin vandalise daddy’s gas-guzzler?

    Probably because he knows he’ll get thrashed and there are no virtue points available.

    These people are most often videoed committing these crimes, and make no attempt at anonymity, so why on Earth are they not up before the beak the next day and banged up for six months?

    I firmly believe it is because it is in the government’s interests to promulgate the climate crisis scam by all means available.

    Bang them up, and fire all police officers derelicting their duty.

  4. While I sympathise with the view, and want the police to do the job they are paid for, be careful how much you cheer these vigilantes onwards.
    Before you know it, they will be wearing brown shirts.

    Add on high inflation and the destruction of the middle classes, and I’ve seen this film already.

    • All the more reason for the police to do their job. Any growth in vigilantes due to frustration at unchecked lawlessness would be a direct result of the government’s dereliction of duty.

    • This is how Adolph 2 will get in and many will vote for him. our politicians don’t have the brain power to work that out they think that because we are a bunch of wussies and do nothing but whine about it they can keep on ratcheting the pressure. I for one am expecting some people get get killed by people removing them from the roads and if I was on the jury they would get a stiff talking to as punishment.

  5. I’m sure that if many more people start removing these eco idiots, the police will suddenly start making arrests. To protect the eco idiots

  6. The police have the legal right to remove these terrorists, for that’s what they actually are, from the Kings highway. What do they do instead? Offer them cups of tea and bottles of water. And then plod wonders why the general public no longer has any faith in them.

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