I’m With Rosie

She’s objectively correct.

Labour MP Rosie Duffield has said she will refuse to call Eddie Izzard a woman.

The comedian, who is campaigning to stand as a Labour MP, announced two years ago the decision to use ‘she/her’ pronouns.

Ms Duffield, 51, railed against the idea of ‘gender self-identification’ at the conference of the LGB Alliance, a campaign group advocating for lesbian, gay and bisexual people, in London on Friday.

Well done Rosie for swimming against the tide here. That said, the tide consists of a minority of politicos and slebs. The rest of us agree with her – Izzard is a man. He will always be a man. The more that people point out that the emperor has no clothes, the more will become emboldened to say it. We are many, they are few.

Ms Duffield said she was ‘persona non grata’ in the Labour Party and called on leader Sir Keir Starmer to have a ‘proper debate’ on the issue.

I’d call that a badge of honour. Time for her to leave, frankly.


  1. The economy is about to go down the drains but politicians carry on wasting time on things that are non-issues for the majority.

    • Sometimes you have to fight the little battles. I applaud Rosie Duffield for standing up on this one. I don’t think she belongs in the Labour party, frankly.

  2. I also use she/her pronouns – when I’m referring to women. So I support his use of these pronouns, just as long as he doesn’t expect me to use them inappropriately.

  3. Given how both socialist and confused it is, wouldn’t Izzard be better off applying to join the SNP?

  4. See how sneaky they are?

    Rosie is a hero for calling a bloke a bloke, but did so at a conference of other degenerates, cue cheap applause.

    Also this ‘rights’ bollocks is like a Greek waiter spinning plates, they are going to come crashing down soon, and they will destroy each other. Hopefully.

  5. She could always use some irony by referring to Izzard, if selected, as, “The Honourable Lady with a penis” and see what happens. There would not be enough popcorn in the world.

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