Conspiracy Theorists

These people really piss me off.

Survivors of the Manchester Arena bombing which killed 22 people are being tracked down by conspiracy theorists who claim terror attacks have been staged.

They are going as far as to secretly record wheelchair-bound survivors at their homes in a bid to catch them out and see if the victims are lying about their injuries.

Following the attacks on London in 2005, I was contacted by Peter Power who had been accused by the tinfoil hat brigade of being a part of some sort of false flag operation. It was pure unadulterated cockwaffle, but they persisted nonetheless. Power even contacted me about it as I had debunked the ridiculous theories here, because, like him, I was involved in emergency training and preparation. His activities were easily explained away if you were prepared to apply Occam’s razor, common sense and the available evidence – see also, the insane theories about the twin towers attacks and that ridiculous film Loose Change. Indeed, when he did contact me and ask me to put out a post explaining that, I was inundated by comments for these nutters who decided that I was in on it all as well.

The problem is that when there is a real issue – covid springs to mind – where the government were really spinning us a lie and supressing alternative viewpoints, we get put into the same category as the nutters and because they are so extreme, it’s fairly easy to do. Another reason that I despise them so much.

I eventually shut down comments on the Peter Power post as they were just too deranged to take seriously. Power, like the people mentioned in this article suffered their intrusions – not just online buy in real life. They dogged him and demanded that he answer their questions – how dare they? Likewise these people are being hounded. It ‘s a form of stalking and should be treated as such.

Fortunately for me, it never got that far. Had it done so, I’d have been blunt, robust and brief in my response to them.

But conspiracy theorist Richard D. Hall would not believe this. The man, based in Wales, described physically tracking down the Manchester bombing survivors in which 22 people were killed and more than 100 were injured.

In a video shared with his followers, he set up a camera to film the 20-year-old and see whether she could walk.

Despite the 20-year-old leaving the house in a wheelchair, he said: ‘There’s no evidence’ that the injury was a result of the attack.

Yup. Stalking. Scum.

Mr Hibbert is now preparing libel action against Hall. ‘I’m all for freedom of speech,’ he said. ‘But it crosses the line when you’re saying I’m an actor or I’ve not got a spinal cord injury or Eve’s not disabled, she’s not in a wheelchair.’

This is not freedom of speech, it’s libellous, harassment and stalking, so sue them for everything they have.


  1. Personally I’m a conspiracy theory conspiracy theorist. Or a meta conspiracy theorist, if you will.

    Most conspiracy theories contain an element of truth.
    I think that the people who have power don’t want these truths to be widely discussed, so they have a few people join the discussion and subtly shift it towards the ridiculous so it is dismissed by most people out of hand.

    For example:
    conspiracy theory – The government are using planes to dose us all with chemical agents dispensed from commercial aircraft
    Real life – yeah, no they aren’t. There isn’t space for these tanks in a wing (that’s where the fuel is). Contrail patterns are caused by wind.
    Fact nugget – using aircraft to spray chemical weapons and agents from high altitude was tested back in the day (60s I think off top of my head). Found to be hilariously unreliable method of delivery.

    COVID was a different ball game to standard conspiracy theories. Most conspiracy theories ended up as fact 6 weeks later after initial denial. Was a running joke on the substacks.
    And during COVID, they weren’t conspiring as much as actively telling us to our faces that they were going to put people in camps…

    • This is another reason they piss me off. Those of us who dared to challenge the covid narrative – including professionals in the relevant field – got lumped in with these nutcases. They made it easy for he media to do it.

  2. Agree there LR. People who have genuine concerns about a particular issue and concerns that may not be being taken seriously by the MSM or the political classes get lumped in with the CT nutbags.

    • It’s also their behaviour. They won’t take no for an answer. There was a woman who blogged about being on one of the trains in the 2005 attack. She was also interviewed a few times by the media. These people hounded her, claiming that she was a stooge, making it up, an actor and so on.

      • Agree on that. I’m aware of that case. The nutters went far far beyond what could reasonably be seen as acceptable and became stalkers. A similar thing happens with the Satanic Ritual Abuse obsessives. They often can’t stop at making their point or voicing their opinion, they nearly always end up harassing innocent people including innocent parents. This particular nutter wouldn’t even stop when she was given a restraining order

        As regards CT’s being unwilling to admit when they are wrong, this is something I’ve seen with some of the more mentalist type of Flat Earthers. No matter how much information you give them and no matter from what source, they still insist that the world is flat and its flatness is being hidden by a cabal of Jews who want to turn Christians away from the ‘truth’ of Earth’s flatness and to divert money to NASA.

      • Agreed, also. Conspiracy Theorists (and other types of stalkers) suffer from extreme forms of cognitive bias and are literally(!) *unable* to consider anything that does not support their beliefs.

        They have a whole suite of cognitive tools to reject experts (huh, what do they know), science (it was wrong in the last millennium), I can’t hear you, la la la, I know of a friend of a friend in a different country who was arrested by the Secret Police for exposing the Truth, and so on.

        Now people with daft ideas that don’t affect other people can be tolerated. But if they cause damage or hurt other people and cannot change, well they should be locked up.

  3. I hadn’t found your blog* at the time of the ‘Peter Power’ controversy. I’ve just read the original post. I read the comment thread, too, and marvelled at your forbearance. Talk about ‘suffering fools!’
    *h/t Julia

    • LR is a damned sight more forbearing than I would be with these nutcases. I’ve taken the view that the only reason to argue with CT’s is the same reason Ben Shapiro gave for arguing with Leftists, which is to show up your opponent in public.

  4. The Government actively encourage conspiracy theories for the reasons you allude to, makes it much easier to foist real conspiracies on the public and explain them away as tin foil hattery.

    Area 51 for example. Something is going on there, I have no doubt. Probably illegal weapons/chemicals, development of propulsion systems, etc, and the US Gov encourage all the little green men theories to hide it. Quick… look over there!

    BTW IMHO there are loads of unanswered questions are 9/11. 19 Saudis hijack planes they can’t fly, allegedly coordinated by a man in a cave, so Britain attacks Afghanistan. Great logic. WTC 7 collapsing after not being hit by a plane, with a load of gold disappearing in the process, is another question mark.For me at least.

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