
Apologies for the outage today. I have no idea why. I think it may be to do with Cloudflare. That said, logging in to Media Temple and trying to raise a support ticket was no help. They have ditched their old system for a new, slick shiny one. And, as was to be expected, it didn’t work. You now have to open a chat, which is nice. Well, it would be if there was a link to such a thing. The only link I could find was for chat history. Clicking that sent me to a page that said I have no chats. Well, duh. So click on a link to open a new one. That took me back to the main support page.

In the meantime, whatever it was seems to have resolved itself.

This story has already been picked up in the comments.
I feel that she made a fundamental error here in that she told the police officers that she was praying. Better to remain silent. However, the PSPO – a vile piece of legislation in itself, only mentions audible praying. Silent prayer is thought and this woman was arrested for thought. Yup, she was arrested for thoughtcrime. Truly, we are here in Orwell’s dystopia. Nothing here was in breach of the PSPO as she was simply standing there.

I really hope that this is suitably dealt with when it gets to the courts as the people responsible for arresting and charging her need to be put firmly back in their box. That said, in modern Britain, I’m not holding my breath.


  1. “However, the PSPO – a vile piece of legislation in itself, only mentions audible praying.”

    Pathetic as this may be, and unless I have misunderstood in some way, a barrister explains that the PSPO does, in fact cover thought. However, she has been banned from prayer outside the PSPO area, which he says may be unlawful, but it is extremely expensive to challenge.

  2. I need to apologise for being so cynical about this story in my comment on the previous post, it turns out that it is as bad as it sounds.

    The mainstream media in the past would insist that a free and unrestricted press was essential for speaking truth to power. Now they are just part of the establishment, utterly worthless.

    The power of God seems to have diminished somewhat over the centuries. Although he does have a long track record of smiting entirely the wrong people so maybe he’s been sticking it to the abortion clinics by flooding Pakistan?

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