
I don’t have much time for Cumberbatch. The man is a pompous jerk. However, he is not responsible for his ancestors and he should not pay any money for their sins.

Benedict Cumberbatch‘s family could be forced to pay reparations to Barbados for running a slave plantation on the island in the 18th and 19th century.

The seventh great grandfather of the actor, who played the role of a plantation owner in the Oscar-winning film 12 Years a Slave, bought the Cleland plantation in St Andrew, Barbados, in 1728.

The plantation then became home to 250 slaves until slavery was abolished more than 100 years later.

When the plantation was forced to close, the Cumberbatch family were handed £6,000 in compensation for their loss of ‘human property’ – in today’s money that amounts to around £3.6 million.

All of which happened centuries before he was born. He owes nothing and should pay nothing. I’m not sure how he could be forced to pay if he has no assets in Barbados. Drax does, so that is vulnerable and he should be resigning himself to seizure, but outside of that, he should refuse to cooperate with these gangsters.

The only courts that would have jurisdiction here would be UK ones. If Barbados got some kangaroo court overseas to grant them a judgement, it would have no validity here and we as a nation need to mane sure that it has none. This is rampant theft and extortion. It needs to stop and we need to stand firm because unless we stand up to this grift, it will continue. When they have run out of ‘rich’ people to fleece, they will come after the rest of us via our taxes. No one anywhere owes these grifters one single penny. Not one.

The government in Barbados is now in the process of fighting for the ancestors* of slave-owning families to pay back reparations.

*I see that the DM’s use of English hasn’t improved. They do it again further down the article. Quite how long-dead ancestors are going to be forced to pay up is a mystery. Unless they mean descendants.


  1. The Barbadians have spotted a soft target; publicly expressing guilt/remorse/regret for what your ancestors did is like opening the door and inviting the vampires in.

    Meanwhile, the official website of Barbados tells us that “Barbados People, characters and personalities are no exception to the rule, but Barbadians will surprise with their warmth, casual charm and sophistication”.

  2. I totally agree LR. These black gangsters are trying it on and need to be told to get stuffed. Another example of a black banana republic. Just look at the terrible state South Africa is in now it is run by black gangsters.

    • Don’t fall into the trap. This doesn’t originate in Barbados; the reparations thing comes out of the USA, from the likes of BLM. They are mostly self-flagellating white middle-class kids looking for something to play the revolutionary over, plus some Marxist race baiters manipulating the former and aiming to divide and conquer the rest of us. Barbadian blacks seemed pretty OK with things until that lot started stirring.

  3. “I see that the DM’s use of English hasn’t improved.”

    Nothing to add on the main theme (totally agree with you), but scrolling through the DM’s RSS feed of a morning, I often wonder if it’s written by schoolkids on work experience. It’s the only rational explanation. Surely they wouldn’t pay people that ignorant to be journalists?

  4. GDP per person in Barbados is just over $18,000 nominal and $18,700 PPP; in Ghana it is about $2,400 nominal and $8,300 PPP and Nigeria is even lower. So today’s Barbadians are better off than people in countries where their ancestors probably came from and they want reparations for it!

    Same mistake as DM’s in Daily Telegraph too.

  5. You know how socialists tend to become less socialist when they reach the point in their lives when it is their wealth that is being targeted for redistribution? I wonder if Mr. Cumberbatch is likely to have a similar epiphany about some of his previously held opinions.

    • Well, we’ve got Sonia Sodha’s column in the ‘Guardian’ saying ‘Oooh, hang on a mo!’ on assisted suicide, plus Kenan Malik’s article saying ‘Maybe Elon’s take over of Twitter has revealed something bad about its subversion?’ so maybe 2023 will be the Year Of Dawning Realisation after all…

  6. In the short-term Barbados will be applauded by the lefty woke vermin that infests our world for this measure. In the long-term they have shot themselves in the foot as the silent majority will no longer visit the country or buy property there just in case. They will be a third-world shithole like most other black run countries very soon.

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