Arguing With Idiots on the Internet

Another in my occasional series. This one has been fun, not least because of the epic meltdown that ensues. I’ll let you enjoy it. It relates to this video on YouTube. I’ll skip the previous discussion and start where I came in, as I usually do with these conversations – by debunking the stupid terms used by the trans cult.
BTW, if the images are a bit small, click on them to embiggen.

The term cis is not a biological one. Yes, I’m aware of the Latin roots, but cisgender is a made up construct used by the trans activists. The idea that because a tiny minority of people have used a term to describe themselves – ‘trans’ that we also need one to describe the rest of us is nonsense. We don’t. It’s a bit like describing baldness as a hair colour. Anyway, we get a woke-warrior riding into the rescue of the trans lobby.

The strawman used here is an example of what is to follow. Also that absurd claim that people are assigned a gender at birth. Is there someone with a clipboard (or perhaps an iPad) deciding what gender the baby is? Of course not. It’s rank bullshit.

So, pretty straightforward. Not for our social justice warrior. This twat is determined to educate me.

Ah, that old cobblers. Never heard that one before. Doesn’t alter my point, though. The trans activists made it up. It is meaningless nonsense as we have perfectly valid words in the language to describe men and women – men and women. We also have male and female. Pretty straightforward. We don’t need more.

I’ve long since given up on being overly polite about trans activists. It’s a cult. Given that this cult is invading women only spaces and cheating in female sports, I see no reason to be polite about it. My use of the terms cult and toxic really got up this twat’s nose.

Anyway, guess what comes next? Yup, the go-to they all use; intersex.

They always seem to think that this is some kind of gotcha. The existence of an aberration does not invalidate the rule. Homo sapiens is a sexually dimorphic species. That some people have some sort of genetic aberration doesn’t change this.

Okay, just to be clear, it doesn’t offend me let alone grossly offend me. I am merely playing them at their own game here. That said, I will interject when someone uses these stupid terms.

What we are seeing now is passive aggressive trolling. As well as digging in on the intersex thing. I did not deny their existence, merely pointed out that it changes nothing, which it doesn’t. As to my reference to trans activism as a toxic cult – if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

A brief attempt to steer the conversation back on track. Waste of time, I know.

Anyway, someone else joined in, so I engage with them.

Cranberry noodle seems pretty based. Still, our twat returns.

Yeah, it is their term. The pseudointellectualism really doesn’t wash. I’m aware of the Latin roots as I’ve mentioned above. It doesn’t change the fact that ‘cisgender’ is a stupid, unnecessary made-up term used by a toxic cult. Also, neither I nor Cranberry noodle has denied the existence of trans people. That’s just a strawman.

I’m merely repeating myself here.

Appeal to authority fallacy. I’m aware that the medical profession uses it because they have been captured by the ideology. It does not address my point.

At this point, just when you think there really isn’t much more to say and that the whole thing is going round in circles, the dynamics changed.

It’s at this point the veneer of civility falls away. My approach to this behaviour is to remain civil myself and let them have their public meltdown.

It gets worse.

Just stir the pot and watch the meltdown.

What was interesting with this one is that various comments I’d made were reflected back – passive aggressive and now graceless. Not only do we have a lack of intellect, but a lack of imagination. Again, simply stick to the point and let the meltdown happen.

I’m not sure whether this is funny or sad. Apparently I have some sort of phobia and loathing. To be fair, I do loathe the trans activist cult due to the behaviour its followers exhibit. Do I loathe trans people? No. Of course not. Do I have a phobia? Given that a phobia is a clinical condition, no, absolutely not. Anyway X Million is so wrapped up in the ideology, that when it is repeatedly challenged, a meltdown and insult is the only response.

The rant continues as this moron thinks we have a gotcha here.

I haven’t ‘admitted’ anything. I’ve simply stuck to a sound argument. Apparently I’m ‘butt hurt’ and devastated. Really? This is an epic meltdown from where I’m watching. The initial veneer has fallen away and the toxic ideology is showing itself in all its glorious technicolour. And talking of technicolour, that’s some serious projection going on there.

Not one to give in…

As I observed early on, we are dealing with someone who isn’t very bright and has been so propagandised, they cannot think logically or independently. Again, things I have said are reflected back due to a lack of creative thinking. Nothing in this little rant has any bearing on what I’ve said, nor does it make any sense.

On that note, regardless of whether this moron comes back I’ll bow out gracefully. I’ve done what I came here for.

Update: We got a response.

As I suspected, given the use of language, we are dealing with an American here. The JCB reference went flying over his/her/its head. I’ve no plans to comment further, but by God, the stupid, it hurts. Also, I think it says much about this person’s thought processes, such as they are. Probably educated indoctrinated at Harvard or Stanford.


  1. Fine entertainment for NYE! A guid new year tae yin an’ a’ – with the possible exception of cultists . . .

  2. ’As I suspected, given the use of language, we are dealing with an American here’

    Oh, I think there were a few clues before that… ?

  3. Speaking as someone who worked at JCB for 16 years. I can say with confidence that the only thing you cannot do with one, is fuck it.

  4. Jesus cum bucket?

    How very revealing

    Putin is CIS activist, CIS being the commonwealth of independent states.

    If he comes back to could try that one.

    • It is revealing. If someone uses an acronym I’m not familiar with, I look it up. A quick search on JCB would reveal what I was talking about – when you are in a hole, stop digging. But this person jumps straight to anal sex. Yes, very revealing.

      • Well the church always had something of an anal/vaginal fixation when it came to tortures.

        But I’m sure that’s purely coincidental in this case.

  5. Happy New Year

    Terms such as “homophobia”, “i-slamophobia”, “transphobia” are concocted. They have no actual meaning. It’s just one example of the bastardizing of language by activists to push an agenda.

    Phobia typically refers to an extreme, abnormal/irrational fear; it’s a type of anxiety disorder. An excellent example occurred a few years ago on the Australian “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here”. It turns out that a legend of the sport of cricket is arachnophobic. To his despair, one of the trials involved having a spider (tarantula) placed on his open hand for some 30(?) seconds.

    From the time the trial was announced, the celebrity was in a nasty mental battle. Part of his mind said that it was just a short time to endure the spider; all would be OK. Another part was in utter panic. By the time he had to hold the spider, he was already a mess. But since his successfully holding the spider was to the benefit of all players, hold the spider he did. And he was battling himself all the way through that 30 seconds, at one stage reduced to tears. It took hours after the event for him to calm down. Asked straight afterwards what it felt like, he replied that it felt like he was going to die.

    Phobia involves clinically identifiable psychogenic physical reactions, e.g., heart palpitations, dizziness, shaking, sweating. Phobics are aware that their extreme visceral reaction is abnormal/irrational, but the feelings of dread, of impending doom/death are overwhelming.

    Disapproval of homosexuality, for example, is not a phobia… nothing to do with phobia. People may have coherent ideas for their disapproval. There is typically no extreme anxiety reaction when there is contact with homosexuals. I don’t know of any documented case of anyone receiving therapy for phobic reactions to homosexuals. There is no “homophobia”. It’s contrived. Yet the term is bandied about ad nauseam as if it’s a well understood clinical phenomenon.

    Homophobia is a[nother] contrivance by the “gay” lobby. The preference for the term “phobia” is the intent to reduce/dismiss all opposition to homosexuality as irrational. But phobia refers to more than just irrationality as indicated above. Unfortunately, the term is now abused to silence opposition in a variety of areas, e.g., i-slamophobia, transphobia, fatphobia.

    • Of course it’s bullshit. These terms have one use only – to silence dissent. Unfortunately for them it doesn’t work and people are wising up to it.

  6. I hope you enjoyed writing this post half as much as I – I can confidently write “we” – enjoyed reading it!

    • Oh yes. This cretin thought he/she/it was trolling me with the passive aggressive name calling but missed the fact that I was the one doing the trolling as I pressed all their buttons and steadfastly refused to acknowledge the validity of their arguments. Not least because there weren’t any. Watching the mask slip and the descent into sweary rants was a joy to behold. Like the Wizard of Oz when the curtain is pulled aside, they are seen for what they are.

  7. There are plenty of organizations that have taken up the “chant”, including governments.

    What Is Homophobia? [same can be applied to “transphobia”]
    For example

    The website seems to be run by the alphabet mob and, as usual, gives itself a nice-sounding name – “very well mind”.

    It turns out that “homophobia”, a self-serving term manufactured by the alphabet mob, refers to any critique of alphabet mob claims, i.e., we’re always right and, therefore, any criticizers are always wrong. The alphabet mob even reduces religion to mere useless tradition to be done away with:

    You may be homophobic if you use your religion to argue that LGBTQ+ don’t deserve the same basic rights as others.

    It’s long been the case that religion can be a cause of homophobia. Certain religions teach that homosexual attraction is immoral or a sin. For this reason, those who ascribe to these religions will grow up with this idea as their cultural understanding. This type of early learning can be challenging to shift or change.

    Challenge Homophobic Beliefs
    While this is easier said than done, try to eliminate negative self-talk and don’t buy into stereotypes that harm you and your self-esteem.

    If you are dealing with homophobia directed at you by someone who claims that their religion forbids it, you can choose to try to share different perspectives.
    For example, you could share about religions that promote full acceptance and inclusivity or talk about how you just want to have the same rights and privileges as heterosexual individuals.

  8. The “normalization” of homo/trans has been pushed by medical headquarters – the United Nations agency, the World Health Organization. Many governments/organizations have fallen into line.

    The date of 17 May is also significant as it commemorates the World Health Organisation’s decision in 1990 to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.

    World Health Organization Officially Says Being Transgender Is Not A Mental Illness

  9. We’re now at the stage where any critiques (including quotations from the Bible) of qwerty are viewed by the alphabet mob as “hate speech” and where there should be laws banning such speech.

    • That is what is worrying. Simply pointing out biological reality is now hate speech. Indeed, much of my comments to X Million could be deemed hate speech, despite the fact that I am not the one who was hateful. See also the police investigation into Kelly Jay Keen following her rally in Brighton.

        • It’s not anti anything. Pointing out objective facts isn’t ‘anti.’ Also, the trans thing has latched onto the gay movement, but this is to the detriment of the gays. As they are finding out. I do object to the misuse of language though.

  10. Welcome to upside-down world. 🙂

    Thanks LR for allowing me to post the information, lengthy as it is.

  11. Lectures you on scientific etymology, doesn’t know “homo sapiens” is singular.

    Can’t say I was surprised, to be honest.

  12. I applaud you for standing up to this anti science trans nonsense. I try to keep reminding these morons that cis and trans apply to organic stereoisomers in chemistry. As for sex, it is determined at conception and is immutable. Nothing is assigned at birth. These are scientific facts re genetics. Keep up your good work.

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