
Panic, panic panic.

Bird flu may mutate to kill more than 50% of humans who catch it, as a result of ‘unprecedented’ outbreak sweeping mammals, experts fear

Here we go again. Bird flu has already hit humans. It did so in 2015. It could, like covid, spread more among humans than it did before, but like covid, the death rate is likely to be similar to normal flu. They really want a killer pandemic, don’t they? Those SAGE experts need to pay the bills donchano. Mind you, hanging them would solve that problem, so win, win.


  1. If only trains were running normally they could just poison us as they tried in USA.
    That combined with burning and banning all sources of food and the means of processing it should complete the job.
    Listen…….crickets. Yum.

  2. They keep going on about how we need to be prepared for a world ending pandemic (ignoring the illogicality of that statement for now). We need plans in place, they say. Need stocks of medication, they say.
    Yet when we had a pandemic of a mild flu like illness that was guaranteed to kill grandma (apparently), all the plans we had were ignored and the medicines we had and could produce easily were ignored and vilified.
    Almost enough to make you think it was all about making some people very rich and not about health care … Or think that these fools are actually clueless.

    • Let’s be cynical for a moment. People who can make lots of money don’t become politicians (until they get bored of making money).

      But the people who make money know politicians are clueless so manipulate them.

  3. ‘Experts’ should be taken to a darkened room and sat down with a cold compress on their foreheads. Oh, and kept away from journalists seeking tomorrows’ headlines.

  4. “Bird flu ‘may’ mutate to kill more …..” .
    Elvis Presley ‘may’ be alive and stacking trolleys for Asda in Farnborough, though unlikely.
    The numpties in Parliament ‘may’ see sense and find a way to stop the country being invaded, though unlikely.
    So called experts ‘may’ stop trying to scare us into another lockdown, though unlikely.
    It’s surprising how a tiny three lettered word can have such an impact when used by ‘experts’.

  5. I’m reminded of someone (I can picture him but can’t think of his name) on Mock The Week (I think) commenting on the possibility of catching bird flu the first time we had a big scare about it: “what do they think I’m going to do? See a dead bird on the ground, pick it up and kiss it?”

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