Good Riddance

This is what happens when you try to square fantasy with reality.

Nicola Sturgeon has resigned as Scotland’s first minister in a surprise decision that has thrown the Scottish National party into turmoil, triggering its first leadership contest in nearly 20 years.

That car crash interview where her gender ideology hit the brick wall of scientific reality, leaving her squirming as she tried to justify her gender recognition act in when faced with the spectre of a rapist dressed as a woman, meant that her days were numbered. Was anyone really surprised? Sturgeon was never an able politician, she was merely a mediocre goldfish swimming in a pool of minnows. Obsessed with independence even when she had lost a referendum, she hitched her bandwagon to the insanity of Stonewall and the trans activists – presumably hoping to use it as a lever to bully Westminster. That backfired spectacularly.

The people of Scotland are concerned about everyday stuff – jobs, the cost of living, policing, energy prices, schooling, housing and so on. Sturgeon meanwhile was obsessing about independence and gender recognition. Never was there a bigger disconnect between an elected leader and the electorate she was supposed to be serving. And when it comes to a disconnect, she was up against pretty stiff competition. Add to all of this the fact that she is an utterly vile person and, well, I’ll not be shedding any tears.

Another one bites the dust. Good riddance to bad rubbish. A win for Scotland.


  1. On hearing that news I realised that there IS a God. A significant number of stones are now being turned over as the SNP look for a “leader” of similar standing.

  2. A goldfish?
    No, a carp. An appropriate name. It is what she did.
    She wasted money. Hospitals, trams, ferries, energy, even boats. How did it come about that we could not build ships on the Clyde.
    Real manufacturing industry has gone. Not Green.
    Her schizophrenic majesty manages to condemn booze, gas and oil while depending on them to maintain her spending.
    She will not be missed, except by other pollies of all parties who seemed good when compared to her.

  3. Now we need to get rid of our Torys, Socialists, Lib Dems and Greens and then we English can feel similarly elated.

  4. Do the globalist masters already have a new First Minister in waiting, there must be a few already fully programmed.

    As for wee Jimmy Krankie, normal Scots must be breathing a sigh of relief, hope the cure isn’t worse than the previous disease for them.

  5. As an aside. shouldn’t the socialist SNP have “socialist” in its name? Scottish National Socialist Party is so much more honest.

  6. She suffered from a common female problem, the inability to accept responsibility for any failing (and god, has the SNP failed), which is why she had the nickname “Elsie”, since whatever the problem was it was someone else’s fault.

    At least with the rapist tranny thing she couldn’t avoid the blame because she was front-and-centre on TV clearly baffled and deluded how to answer the question of whether the tranny rapist was a man or a woman without upsetting the tranny lobby or becoming the TERF that she claimed to despise.

    In those last days she became a laughing stock and that’s never going to last long in frontline politics.

    With the cops knocking on the door about the missing £600,000 in donations for a 2nd Referendum, her end was within sight anyway, because her and her SNP CEO husband/beard have been able to hold off formal interviews for 18 months, but even the captured coppers of Police Scotland were getting embarrassed by the refusal / delay / obstuction.

    She won’t be the first politician to resign “to spend more time with her lawyers”.

    Good riddance.

  7. Do the globalist masters already have a new First Minister in waiting, there must be a few already fully programmed.

    Personally, I’m praying they elect Humza Yousaf. That incompetent twat would be the final nail in the coffin of the SNP.

  8. She won’t be retired for long. People like always resurface like a turd that won’t flush away, i’m guessing something at the EU where has-beens like her flourish.

    • Not really. The EU gave her credence because it served their purposes against the UK with respect to BRExit, but for the EU, Scotland has always been problematic because they couldn’t be seen to give support to breakaway independence movements in France, Spain et al.

      For the EU, the SNP’s “nationalist” sentiment is a real problem. Can’t see her being given any sinecure there.

      UN/WEF perhaps…

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