Oh, That’s Me

I’m a dry texter, it seems.

How dry is your text life? I’ve recently become aware of the phenomenon of dry texting: the terse, single-word responses (Yes, No, OK, Lol) to chatty messages that are viewed as inadequate, hostile or hurtful.

Oh, yeah, that’s me alright. My emails are the same – succinct, to the point. I sign off with just my name, not flowery stuff. I say what has to be said and not one word more. People are used to it now. Brevity is the soul of wit…


  1. Providing that I’m within range of my phone, my messages come through on my wristwatch. The display has a reply option that allows me to reply Yes/No/Ok/Can’t talk now, and maybe one or two other options. I use it all the time as it saves me having to dig out my phone and open the app in order to reply.

    Did you know that censorship programs don’t like the word wristwatch because it has the word twat in it?

  2. Eh?
    Seriously though, folks,
    For a long time, many years, many, many years, I thought that Lol meant Lots of love. As a term of endearment. Sometimes the context puzzled me.

  3. I have a simple dumbphone. It take a lot of keypressing to answer a SMS. If you expect a longer answer send an email and wait

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