Well, Fuck Off, Then

I’m a bit late to this one, but I’ve been busy.

Obnoxious ingrate.

A man in an orange top is the self-styled leader of the group of asylum seekers we’ve arranged to meet.

“They feel angry every day,” he says, waving his arms.

Actually, I agree, it has been too long. They should have been booted out the moment they came ashore. However…

They say they didn’t want to come to the new accommodation because it’s an hour and a half away and they had “settled” in London.

But against this backdrop of frustration and anger, the government has announced it’s hired a barge where it will house 500 asylum seekers off the Dorset coast.

We, the UK taxpayers are paying for this and they aren’t happy. Well, too bad, frankly. Piss off to somewhere more to your liking. I fail to see why we should be expected to put up with this and I suspect that I am probably in the majority here. They come into this country illegally and expect us to provide them with accommodation. If I rocked up at a foreign country and expected accommodation and food, what would the response be, I wonder?

It says the move will start to reduce hotel costs of £6m a day.


“No, I can’t move,” he says. “I will make protest. All the people here, I invite them to make protest in front of [the] hotel.”

The answer to which is to deport him back to the Sudan. The Sudanese government can pay for his accommodation and put up with his whining.

I ask another asylum seeker called Imad, also from Sudan, what he will do if the government decides he has to go to a barge.

“I don’t want to go,” says Imad. “I [would] go homeless.”

By “going homeless”, Imad means he’ll disappear from the asylum system – living outside of society.

Deport them. I for one have long since run out of patience with these entitled arseholes coming here, treating our laws and our hospitality with contempt while sponging off those of us who get up in the morning and go to work to lay for this largesse.

Fuck off. Fuck off, the lot of you. I’ve had enough. My attitude is not unique.

On a related and personal note, I had a Sudanese chap turn up for a CBT. He arrived on a scooter all kitted out for delivering pizzas, which seems to be where many of these people finally end up. The bike was not equipped with L plates and was not insured, so he was not going to be using that for his training. He could barely speak a word of English. I terminated his training at midday because there was no way I could safely conduct a road ride with someone who couldn’t communicate and who had no idea what our Highway Code looks like, let alone apply it. He rode off on his illegal bike and subsequently complained. He was told to fuck off as well – his money was refunded and he was told to never come back.

On the upside to this, a decline in the fast food delivery market seems to have caused this particular CBT market to dry up somewhat. This is fine with me. I want to teach people to ride motorcycles, not enable a dodgy fast food business that uses cheap foreign labour and illegal riders who view what I do as a necessary hurdle to overcome rather than the stepping stone to a life skill. Fuck ’em.


    • As for the Sudanese wanting a CBT: they wouldn’t be allowed to come to Britain in another universe. They would have been sent back.

  1. You are very correct. And this will not end nicely.
    At a certain point the British majority will revolt. But in a polite British way.
    You can always hope that this barge is a cut price Ark Fleet Ship B departing for Port Sudan.

  2. We don’t need to deport illegal immigrants just say that they can’t become legal ever.
    This would mean that if they ever want to go home on holiday they would have to pay masses of money to come back – also no pensions no council housing etc.

  3. This ‘Paul’ is something else!

    Couldn’t agree more and most I know, regardless of ethnicity I might add, would feel the same…

    • If the police did a blitz on delivery riders, they would have a field day. Missing L plates would just be the tip of it. All too often they are not insured and the bikes poorly maintained to the point of being unroadworthy. Also, as we refuse to issue CBT certificates because they are bloody dangerous, how else are they managing? There is of course a market in fakes. A decent forger will knock one up easily enough.

      • But we all suspect the real reason they never will do a blitz on them. Safer to descend en masse on a pub with a display of golliwog dolls instead.

        • In this day and age, is there really any need to display golliwog dolls? It’s certainly not a police matter but you’re being more childish than anything.

      • i was in Leeds a few weeks ago. the delivery riders were all riding electric bikes. not the road legal pedelecs restricted to 15mph, but cheapo bikes with gigantic hub motors in the rear wheels – like 12″ in diameter and batteries that filled the whole of the frame triangle. The motors were operated by a twist grip – it would be very hard to pedal these in any case. They were certainly brisk. All ridden by youths of darker complexions. All probably illegal, but but under the radar being a bit of a sleeper. Technically they should probably be registered for the road as a motor vehicle, but i saw no interest from the police. Of course the base bike being at the cheaper end of the market had totally inadequate brakes for the weight and the speed – crappy cable disc with 6 inch rotors at best. My pedelec mtb has hydraulic 4 piston and 8″ rotors at each end in comparison.

  4. And they couldn’t pick a less childish doll than a golliwog? Peoppe displaying golliwogs these days are usually making some cock-eyed point about political correctness. Display them if you want (and I certainly wouldn’t call police!) but I’d be inclined to think less of the person doing it. Same as completely festooning a house with flags – one flag, tastefully presented, is enough.

    • Fridge magnets too. One, tastefully displayed. What I think of anybody who has more than one?

      Well ladies might read this!

      • What would you think of someone festooning their house with Union Jacks? In Northern Ireland it used to mean someone “got at” by paramilitaries. There’s no need for any more than one or two flags on flagpoles.

        • I’d troll them obviously.

          I’d point out that there is no need for more than one or two flags on a flagpole – which all houses have of course – in the most childish way imaginable.

  5. They probably get their sense of entitlement partly from 1) the british people they meet on their journey and 2) their religion.
    1)On their journey they meet the care4calais mob and other do british gooders on the french side . They are then ferried across by the rnli and borderforce and put up in nice hotels and more than likely descended upon by lefty lawyers telling them they’ll help them for free. They probably think that the brits really want them. 2) Per Islam they are the best of people. between the 2 they probably think they are doing us a favour.

    • They won’t get help from the left. Nobody here wanted them. The far-left might, but they got told not to play.

      As for Care4Calais: they’re going there to have sex with them. They’re serving them. A civilian would very quickly get short shrift.

  6. As for C4C: if you look, their supporters are public sector unions. Most are MI5 or Army (the FBU will be Army). I know Stand up to Racism is involved but they’re Government-controlled opposition.

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