Gender Affirming ‘Care’

This so-called care is worthy of Joseph Mengele.

A man who transitioned to become a woman when he was just 19 has laid bare his pain and heartbreak following the decision that ‘destroyed’ his life.

Daniel Black, who is now 23, says he ‘misses his genitals every day’ after he took the drastic step to have transgender surgery before he had even reached 20 years old.

The salon-owner is one of a growing number of people who have decided to detransition after life-changing surgery or hormone drugs.

Daniel decided to become a woman after bullies at school made him doubt his masculinity and sexual orientation.

He claims that at just 17 he was given hormonal treatment following a 30 minute consultation – in which he also started planning to surgically remove his penis.

But just a year after his surgery the hair stylist began to regret his decision and in January this year went through more operations to remove his breast implants and have his chest muscles reconstructed.

He now has to have testosterone artificially injected because his surgery made it impossible for him to create his own.

This is not care, it is butchery. Butchery carried out on vulnerable people who do not fully understand what they are getting into. It’s life changing, permanent disfiguration. It is not care by any stretch of the imagination. Any reasonable person would be appalled at this medieval mutilation of young people. Adults who make the decision while fully informed, well, that’s another matter.


  1. He was 17. Almost a hundred years ago people his age were going to War, he is almost old enough to vote. We could argue about the year, and it doesn’t say what age he was when he had his willie and balls removed, but imo he was not too young to make the call. He was simply dumb and easily lead and there are a lot of people like him in our society.

    • People matured earlier a hundred years ago. Also, this generation has gone through their lives being propagandised, so it would have been pretty much impossible for him to make an informed decision.

      • People are maturing around the saame time imo. The difference is in their education and upbringing. People around here that are 16 and 17 are pretty much following a similar path to 16 and 17 year olds thirty years ago, People like this guy are rare, most parents step in and can influence their kids. People that have let their kids do what they want and have no control find that they listen to others more than them. In reality it is Darwin in action. Bring up your own kids to think and take action or leave them to the tender mercy of the state.

        This guy has won a Darwin award and I could almost feel the upward blip in global IQ.

  2. The calculated targeting of children has always been a feature of debased dictatorships. But that has always been ideological indoctrination, for fairly obvious reasons.

    What we are seeing now is something that possibly hasn’t been seen before. It’s not just physical abuse either – Chinese foot binding, bindings to produce elongated skulls, filing teeth to points etc etc – it an assault on the very essence of identity, the very essence of humanity.

    1984s anti-sex league at least acknowledged the necessity of reproduction. What does this current cancer have as it’s ideological base except for total and utter debasement, degradation and destruction? Not a facetious question.

    Hopefully the tide may well have started to turn, but if it stopped tomorrow there would still be – across the western countries where this cancer has taken hold – perhaps millions of damaged and dysfunctional individuals, damaged and dysfunctional in a way – because of the sheer vileness of the underlying hate driven ideology – that is beyond any meaningful recovery.

    Those affected are going to get angry, they have every right. It will be interesting to see how this anger might play out, but they’d just be another abused group among those of us angered by the debased leftist “woke” filth.

    I have a depressing feeling that those actually responsible will be able to skulk away as the various groups of angry start turning on each other.

  3. I recall a while ago one boy suing the Doctors because they would NOT support his decision to undergo a sex change and won. Now they are suing because they WERE allowed to do so.

    If I was a Doctor, then I would, in front of a video camera, a Justice of the Peace and several solicitors and QC’s carefully explain the results a likely damage that this course of action would result in. I would then, in front of the same witnesses, get the parents and the child to sign as watertight as possible a document saying that they has heard, understood and were given a copy of the lecture before recommending the procedure.

    It won’t stop them trying to sue for damages etc. but it SHOULD (OK, I jest – nowadays it is all Feelz rather than legally binding) be some defence for the Doctors concerned.

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