I Guess…

I knew there was a reason nothing made any sense.

Joli explained some theories suggest it is possible that “consciousness never experiences death.”

“Instead, whenever you die in one universe your consciousness just gets transferred into a parallel universe where you survive,” as per her explanation.

So, if you follow a similar line of thinking, you may not regard any apocalyptic events in quite the same way you would otherwise.

“After the inevitable apocalypse occurs, you’re going to wake up the next day in a new reality, and the next thing you know, you’re going to find yourself on Reddit talking about ‘since when did Pizza Hut have two Ts?!” the creator continued, in reference to the oft-debated “Mandela effect”.

Keen to drive home her point, Joli added: “What I’m saying is that Earth is probably always being taken out, and our consciousness just keeps transferred to another parallel universe – and then another one, and another one.

“For all you know the apocalypse probably already happened last night…”

On the other hand, it could all be bollocks.


  1. The question to ask first is “What mechanism exists for the transfer of consciousness to a parallel universe (or Heaven, of Hell)?” You’d have to invent a whole new physics because optimistic arm waving explains nothing.

    When you have sorted that out you can ask “What is consciousness?”.

    Vague waffle on vague waffle is too sloppy to carry any truth.

  2. I don’t think that the fact that we remember bits of movie dialogue and song lyrics imperfectly deserves to be called an effect. Our brains are organic systems that obviously don’t record words and events absolutely verbatim. How this proves that your consciousness can jump around from one reality to another without you even being aware of it I don’t know. It sounds like a classic non sequitur.

      • I wouldn’t laugh quite so loud yet. Just wondering if this is the beginning of “woke” turning into an actual religion. The capacity of “woke” to ignore the manifest realities in front of their eyes is the equal of any formal religion, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised.

  3. What worried me is that some believers will see this as true and soon they will initiate a nuclear war because in the next cycle they can try their policies again expecting better results.

  4. The problem with these purile unprovable and un-disprovable philosophies is that they don’t get you anywhere. You can’t make logical progress. You’re relieved of all personal responsibility. That’s why the young and the stupid like it.

  5. Woah. And what if, like, your dreams are reality and reality is, like, just a dream? Duuude.

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