
Meet gander.

A fresh independence row is brewing in Scotland that, if successful, could spark an unexpected new alliance for the residents of the remote Orkney islands.

Orkney council leader James Stockan claims it is time for the islands to consider reviving its historic links with Norway and has put forward a motion for a vote on exploring leaving the United Kingdom.

Downing Street has already shut down suggestions the suggestions islands could loosen ties with Scotland and Westminster, with Rishi Sunak’s official spokesman telling reporters on Monday: “Fundamentally, we are stronger as one United Kingdom, we have no plans to change that. We’ve got no plans to change the devolution settlement.”

Oh, hang on a minute… We had a referendum to leave the EU. We voted to leave and had the establishment behaved honestly, we would have left (I mean properly left, not BRINO). The SNP has been whining for forever and a day about leaving the UK, so clearly the believe in self governance and the principle of independence (stop laughing at the back). If the Orkneys want to leave Scotland, then let them. They do have historical precedent on their side here. The islands – including the Isle of Man were once an island kingdom that was a part of the Scandinavian jurisdiction. So, yeah, being consistent, given that I voted leave in 2016, I say let them vote and if necessary, let them leave.

That said, I’m not sure how Norway would feel about footing the bill.


  1. Isn’t it the case that they’d have a claim on some of the North Sea Oil fields? Being between them and Scotland? I suspect if they were independent and got the territorial waters international law says they should have they’d be pretty well off, even now.

  2. I think Norway (presumably as then part of Sweden) requested the return of Orkney and Shetland in the 19th century. I am sure Norway would be happy to extend their control over the North Sea and its assets.

    I have visited Orkney, (on the way to Shetland to experience the Up Helly Aa festival), and I found everybody to be lovely. Certainly unlike the anti-English bigotry to be found in Scotland anyway.

    Let them become Crown Colonies similar to the Isle of Man. Give them more funding from North Sea Oil revenues. And just enjoy the apoplexy of the “It’s oor Oil” SNP crowd as they realise an independent Scotland won’t have as much Oil as they expect.

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