Nothing new here.
From flooded cities to hellish wildfires and deadly droughts, gloomy climate reports constantly describe a world ruined by climate change.
But what would this actually look like?
Pretty much as they do now, much like the Maldives that are supposed to be under water according to previous hysterical predictions made by these arseholes. Every one of which has failed to materialise. When will people catch on to this scam?
“When will people catch on to this scam?”
Beats me. The list of failed prophesies from these people is endless. Why would anyone give credence to “experts” who have been consistently wrong for over three decades?
Try “consistently wrong for over 70 Years” …
Every single climate prophesy predicated upon the CO2 driven models has failed. This should tell the ‘experts’ something. However they don’t appear to be particularly interested.
Perhaps they’re not as ‘expert’ as they’d have us believe?
Because it’s nothing to do with CO2 and everything to do with locking us into total surveillance panopticon 15min prison “cities” where the foxes and rats have more freedom, to “save the planet” for the elites of the WEF while we are turned into digital slaves.
So much easy money has been made so far by thick politicians caving in to stupid, mad ‘scientists’, and the original funders have long vanished with billions of pounds of our money with nothing to show for their utter un-caring chaos.
Chuck in a few bulgy-eyed zealots like the Greters of this world, and you have a maelstrom of uncertaincy, where short traders take the money and run…
Whenever my ears are assaulted by these claims I still question the methodology involving editing/suppressing/ignoring but still running the “Predictions” scam. My late Grandfather taught me that evidence must always be questioned. The claim “The Science is Settled” has been debunked on far too many occasions over the history of Science to be treated other than the contempt it so richly deserves. It simply emphasizes the monumental egos of their pundits
My neighbour here in the north east would like to grow bananas in his garden before he croaks, all I want is to plant some Protea flowers. As far as I know, north east is part of europe – where is this heatwave?
In the parts that usually get warm, oddly enough. With the exception of a couple of weeks in early June, this has been the worst summer in years. On the rare occasion the sun does come out, it’s kind of a surprise to realise that it’s actually still only July. Rather than, you know, October.
I’m thinking of having T-shirts made up with “The Maldives are still there” on them.
So is the north pole.
Yes, the Daily Mail was at it as well with mocked up pictures showing water levels overflowing Westminster despite the fact that sea level hasn’t risen by any significant measure during mankind’s tenure.
For example, America’s famous Plymouth Rock where the Mayflower’s passengers descended still being on the shoreline since 1620.
The answer is always more taxes on middle-class people.
More and more people are catching on it seems. From the comments on a US based blog.
“Anyone with half a brain that’s lived more than half a lifetime is beyond sick of the stories about ‘extreme weather’.
In talking about the warm weather yesterday a local weather clown managed to use the term climate change twice… in one sentence. If I could have reached through the screen and strangled him I would have.”