All is Lost

The Church has finally lost its way. Although it’s been floundering on the rocks for some time now.

Children in Church of England schools are being taught a ‘pyramid of white supremacy’ anti-racism theory that tells them that ‘avoiding confrontation’ can lead to genocide.

The theory is displayed in a graphic put together by the US-based Equality Institute, which describes itself as a ‘global feminist agency working to advance gender equality and end violence against women and girls.’

It’s a textbook slippery slope fallacy and, yes, it is a fallacy. Critical race theory is evil. It does rather look as if the Church has been taken over by the chap from downstairs.


  1. According the the Bible, the chap from downstairs isn’t really bad at all. It’s just that he was demonised by the Church. As for the CofE, their desperation to be relevant is probably what is making them more and more irrelevant.

  2. Apparently one of the Archbishops thinks that “Our Father” is problematic. “As our saviour Christ has taught us so we pray, Our Fath…” Hey! Stop! I am offended.

  3. Sadly the bod from downstairs appears to have won over far too many of those seeking power and influence, themselves influencing impressionable youngsters to be like them.

  4. Wasn’t Lucifer one of God’s angels who was “cast out” because he dated to question and challenge God’s view of what heaven should be like (boring and stagnating as it can’t be improved upon).
    Anyway, if he was sent downstairs to punish evil doers, doesn’t that make him one of the good guys?

  5. Critical Race Theory is racialism. But it’s a racialism that is approved of and promoted by the Left. That and the gender identity ideology have no place in schools church ones or otherwise.

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