Oh, For God’s Sake

They are not heroines.

Heartbroken heroines return home

Sport, no matter what sport, is not heroism and to call such people heroes diminishes the word to the point where it becomes meaningless. Heroism was walking across no man’s land in a hail of machinegun fire. Heroism is risking or sacrificing your life to save another. Heroism is the ultimate in selflessness and personal risk. Kicking a ball about for ninety minutes doesn’t even register. They are footballers. They lost a game. Big deal. Get over it. But calling them heroines is sickening, because they aren’t.


  1. Surely coming second in your chosen sport at global level isn’t too bad an achievement anyway. If I’d gone off to Hawaii and got second place in the world Ironman championships I would be thinking that I’d done alright. I certainly wouldn’t be crying about it.

    • Bonus point for one with Kenneth Williams. He might have been (as my parents would have said at the time) “one of them” and most famous for smutty innnuendo, but bloody hell was he good at reading stories to kids.

  2. I am fully on board with giving the National Womens team as much recognition as the National Mens team. Which, for me, is hardly any recognition at all.

  3. Just goes to show that enough propaganda can elevate a team of players for no other reason than they are women, since the level of football is rather dire.

    That’s some real patriarchy right there.

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