1. You can take your untested, unproven and ineffective faux-vaccines and inject them where the sun don’t shine.

  2. Bumped into a leftie on Fri in the pub who was proudly announcing that he had done his duty to society by having his sixth covid (and flu) shot.

    I did inquire whether six shots in three or so years was indicative of an effective vaccine?

    Furthermore given that many gov officials and pharma company employees have made it clear that it neither stops you contracting it or passing it on what was the point?

    Don’t wish the chap ill (he is mostly harmless), but if the shots really are part of a human depopulation scheme then maybe they are attacking the wrong targets from the point of view of the PTB???

    • Not really.
      If you’re planning on wiping out 90% of the human race, who do you want the remaining 10% to be?
      Those who can think for themselves and solve problems or the ones who sit around and need telling what to do?
      If you shrink the population that much, life is going to be tough. Keeping things running will be a nightmare and everyone will be busy. Micromanaging would be an expensive waste of labour.

      Though I don’t think that there’s a massive depopulation conspiracy.
      More likely just psychopaths pushing out shoddy product under political pressure in order to make silly money.
      The population is decreasing anyway. The birth rate problem is serious and will be noticeable in our lifetimes. All the supposed conspirators have to do is wait…

      • I’m inclined to agree that – for the most part – this isn’t a depopulation conspiracy (although some people involved quite plainly think that would be a good thing). With that out of the way …

        Actually, if someone were planning on wiping out 90% of the human race, he would probably believe he had all the answers and just needed other people as minions who would do as they were told. We are talking psychopaths here.

      • There are considered to be two theories to explain weird human behaviour. The conspiracy theory and the cock-up theory.

        I’m inclined to think that the cock-up theory explains most things in a parsimonious way. But recently I’ve also noticed that what starts out as a cock-up explanation is then submerged in a coverup which implies that a conspiracy will become a better explanation.

        So cock-up, cover-up, or conspiracy?

  3. Your lucky. Mine was an actual scheduled appointment which they were expecting me to turn up for at some local sports hall, not my GP’s place.

    I cancelled it, pointing out that I only attend medical appointments arranged in consultation with my GP.

    These NHS fuckers…

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