Just Say No

Statins. They are dished out like sweeties, yet have some nasty side effects, which is why I have flatly refused them each time the GP has tried to foist them on me. Nope. Not taking them.

Designed to lower high levels of ‘bad’ cholesterolstatins are usually the first port of call for patients with coronary artery disease.

While the small pills are proven to effectively reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes, one type might not be so kind to your blood sugar levels.

A new study, published in The BMJ, found that rosuvastatin could hike your risk of type 2 diabetes.

As with all studies, caution is advised, but the side effects are well documented and this looks like it could be another one. So, yeah, I’ll pass.


  1. Interesting, as I was offered blood pressure pills a couple of years ago after having slighly raised BP readings at my T2 diabetes check up.

  2. Seeing the complicity, the silence when speaking out mattered, the trousering of payments for jabathon when patients with actual illnesses couldn’t get near a surgery, the demonising by the main medical profession and its publications of those (often highly qualified and respected scientists/medics) who disagreed with the covid scam and the experimental treatment, my trust in the profession generally has dropped to less than non existant.
    There are as always honourable exceptions to this, and i suspect many of those were drummed out of the medical establishment for failing to comply.

    As i mentioned the other day, they offered me statins having not laid eyes on me for some dozen years, my answer was a swift no.
    They can shove that muck the same place as the medical experiments we didn’t take either.

    I still can’t get over millions of sheep dutifully doing as told and banging pots and pans to show what good compliant appreciative little citizens they were, truly embarrassing behaviour one might expect to have been seen in North Korea but never in England.

    Funny how the NHS staff got discount at Morrisons (possibly other supermarkets too) during the height of the scam, no one offered us essential workers who really did carry on as normal actually doing our jobs and not perfecting our tictoc dance routines, not as we wanted a free (yeah right) furlough summer holiday or praise or pseudo worship by a bamboozled and frightened public, but a tenner off the maskless weekly shop would’t have gone amiss..:-)

    • Nod. I have never taken the flu shot, and never intentionally will. Only had the flu a couple times in my life – I’ll take my chances with the strain du jour, and leave the shots to others who feel a stronger need for them. The shot is a scientific crap shoot anyways, so my risk assessment is to avoid unnecessary needles and bet on my immune system.

  3. I have never met my doctor.
    If I have a doctor.
    Apparently I’m registered with the surgery, but there isn’t a specific doctor assigned?
    Don’t know. Don’t care. I’d rather not ever see them.
    Usually if I need to see a doctor (v rare anyway) I wait until I get to Eastern Europe. Much better doctors. Quicker too. And they actually seem knowledgeable. Never had one actually fucking googling the problem in front of me, unlike some GPs…

  4. I did say no in the end. Had a scare, let them get their hooks in me, trusted them, took statins.

    Bad side effects – complained.

    Still trusted them. Took a second type of statin, extreme side effects.

    Allowed myself to be persuaded to switch to a cholesterol thinner. Even worse.

    And the biggest joke is the list of side effects on the NHS website. I got them all, including the one that makes you feat you might be having a heart attack ……

    In the end, I’ve lost all faith in our health care service and wouldn’t trust them again.

    I’m going to die at some point in the next approx 40 years. I’m not going to use their magic medicine in an attempt to extend this by an unspecified period whilst suffering quality of life impacts from their drugs

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