No, We Don’t

Fuck off.

Britain risks being “left in the cold” if it continues to ignore the growing calls for slavery reparations, an MP has warned, ahead of a conference to demand action.

Campaigners from around the world are gathering in London this weekend for a two-day meeting to discuss the government’s responsibility to consider compensation.

There is no such responsibility. None whatsoever. And if we are left out in the cold, then fine, I’ll happily shiver, because I’ll be damned if I see why people who have never owned slaves should have money extorted to give to people who never were slaves. And if they live in shithole countries, that is not our fault, nor is it our problem. It is certainly not because of something that happened hundreds of years ago. This is a massive grift. An attempt at theft on a grand scale. We need to be robust in telling them where to stick it.

Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy, chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Afrikan Reparations, said the UK had a “moral duty” to face up to the past.

Our moral duty was done two hundred years ago when we stamped out the trade at our cost in money, effort and lives. Bell Ribeiro-Addy can go and fuck herself. Or, better still, fuck off to some African paradise more suited to her ideals. While she is there, she can campaign for their governments to pay reparations for their part in the Atlantic trade.


  1. We’ve already paid them. The Royal Navy’s West Africa Squadron put an end to slavery, and the debt accrued in doing so wasn’t fully paid off until 2015. There’s the reparations they’re calling for. Also, that campaign cost the lives of thousands of British sailors and marines. What these dipshits actually want, is free money. And if the usurper currently squatting in No10 ever grows a spine, he’ll tell these grifters to go fuck themselves. I won’t hold my breath though.

  2. This is a massive grift. An attempt at theft on a grand scale

    This is absolutely a grift (aka fraud), though I don’t think direct theft as we would be willingly handing the money over. Indirectly yes, in that the Government takes my money by force to pay for this shit, and deserves a proper hard spanking at the next GE to give them some thinking time as to what their core voters really want.

  3. Let’s look at real history for a moment. The first slaves taken and sold in the Americas were Irish. They were villagers taken from coastal villages, many of which then ceased to exist. As far as the African slaves are concerned, almost all of them were captured by the dominant tribes of various areas, then marched to the coast to be sold to the Europeans who had set-up slave-trading stations. The Europeans did not venture into the hinterlands of Africa, seeking out potential ‘victims’. The so-called victims of the slave trade were sold into servitude by their own rulers or conquerors.

  4. Mark/LR

    I think you have nailed it with your point that she needs to be forcibly removed to Africa (or the West Indiees) – if she refused that then a treason charge post HRA repeal and being hanged from a multi person gallows. Save the pension – she is a disgrace to Parliament and the very fact she could be elected suggests a need for major electoral reform

  5. The arabs had the right idea. they castrated the male slaves (ok 50% died of blood loss) but saudi arabia is not overrun with grifters demanding compensation or packs of black feral youth – sorry aspiring footballers and rappers- knifing each other.

  6. If we are going to “left in the cold”, then we do not have to take any measures to combat Globull Warming/crisis/boiling/Armageddon, etc.

    • Thank you John. I hadn’t thought of that one.

      As for the reparations, I’d agree that the Africans owe huge reparations to the poor old whites that they dumped their thieves, paupers and generally unwanted on. And from the picture of Bell Ribeiro-Addy, it looks as though they’re still doing it.

  7. Perhaps we should make a provision in Tax Law for people to volunteer ‘reparations’? Then see how many people actually part with their own money.

    Being ‘worthy’ with your own money is quite, quite, different from being worthy with anonymised Government money.

    My guess is that only a small handful of people would volunteer such reparations and most of the Great and Good would structure their affairs to avoid the ‘opportunity’.

      • Yes please!!!!!!

        However I must admit that sometimes a good old-fashioned bribe can be useful. I do remember the Aussie government making sure a Sri Lankan dictator got a few millions of ‘foreign aid’ to stop swarms of Sri Lankan boat people taking off over the Indian Ocean towards Oz.

        But when it goes into the pockets of humanitarians instead of the local thugs’ bank account, I’d argue it’s totally wasted.

  8. “Look, all the lemmings are leaping off the cliff; we’ll be left out in the cold if we don’t follow them.”

  9. I look at this from a different angle. If the black slaves had not been taken to the West then all their ancestors would still be living in mud-huts. Any black person who was done well (including this fat MP) should be grateful that their long-lost relatives were shipped over.

    • And don’t forget the Normans, Vikings, Saxons, Romans…..

      I want my reparations from the French, Scandinavia, Germany and Italy

      • You’re reminding me of when I pointed out to Leo that he owed me reparations because his wicked Roman ancestors invaded Britain.

        He certainly wasn’t taking any bullshit from me. So he pointed out that we were probably cousins. Since part of the family came from Sussex, he’s probably right.

        But though I held my hands up in surrender, I couldn’t explain this because I was laughing too hard.

  10. We could pay reparations and I suggest we pay whatever but at 1807 values which is the date the trade was abolished by UK. Alternatively we could pay out some ludicrous sum at today’s values then sit back and laugh at the hyperinflation which would certainly occur in those badly managed countries.

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