Owen Jones – Idiot

I see that the teenage trot is at it again. He’s not just wrong about everything, but his inevitable support for violent, savage terrorists makes him just downright nasty.

Owen Jones warned against blocking pro-Palestine protests on Remembrance Day.

The left-wing activist insisted demonstrators would turn out in “even greater numbers” if the rally planned for November 11 is banned.

Mr Jones said: “Just try and ban our 11th Nov protest against the mass slaughter of innocent people and what the UN warns is the risk of genocide.

“We’ll march in ever greater numbers if you do.

“As Harry Patch, the last surviving Tommy, once said: ‘War is organised murder and nothing else.'”

The lack of self awareness here is staggering. What, exactly does this ignorant little fuckpig think happened on October the  7th? Israel is now fighting a legitimate war against Hamas. Jones meanwhile is against the killing of innocents – apparently. Just not Jewish babies roasted alive while their mother is forced to listen to their cries of agony as she is being raped. Just not the people who were having fun at a music festival who were murdered indiscriminately and their bodies desecrated. Just not the women who were raped and the babies that were beheaded because they were Jewish. How fucking dare this little hobgoblin invoke Harry Patch to justify his position? How fucking dare he!

There are no words that accurately describe just how deeply repugnant this homunculus is. He is demonstrably evil beyond words.

And, yes, this march should be banned. Remembrance day is for quiet reflection, not being hijacked by terrorist sympathising scum.


  1. Most likely outcome if the ROPer marches aren’t banned is that the football lads turn out and everything kicks off (see what I did there!).

    Plod of course will be meticulous in managing to beat and arrest anyone who is not a darkie.

  2. And yet he would be among the first off the roof of a high building if the Islamist extremists came to power. His woke cred would be no defence against such a regime.

  3. You won’t like this however, as Israel is occupying Palestinian lands, under international law, they don’t have the right to ‘ defend ‘ themselves against the occupied. So what they are doing isn’t in self defense. But since when has Israel or the U.S.A./U.K. given a toss about international law?
    The Isreal authorities back in 2006 enacted a law which basically states there are no such people as civilians giving them carte blanche to indescriminately kill innocents.
    If Hezbollah comes in, Pakistan has told them they will give them their Nuclear weapons. And then there is Iran. If Iran comes in, Russia and China are behind them.
    This is a very dangerous situation. Ignore WORLDWIDE public sentiment for Palestine and there won’t be any western political parties in power. Whether one likes it or not, what ever Hammas’s stratergy, which is to provoke an over reaction from Israel, allowing emotions to lead is a recipe for catastrophy, for Israel and the west and should it spiral out of control, all of us.

    • The Jewish homeland was established around 1700 BC. Palestine only became a thing during the Roman occupation of Judea. During the Ottoman occupation, the Jews were effectively encouraged to leave. In 1948, they merely took back what had previously been theirs.

      International law is a joke, frankly as it is heavily one sided and biased against the state of Israel, so ignoring it is the right thing to do. The law and ethics are two separate things and when they conflict, ethics should always win out.

      Yes, it is dangerous and I very much doubt that the Israelis have underestimated those dangers. However, they are fighting a foe that wants to wipe them out due to their ethnicity. They have no option here.

    • Israel withdrew, 100%, from Gaza, years ago. The attacks against Israelis took place on Israeli soil. The incessant rocket attacks land in Israel.

      They have every right to root out every last terrorist, by any means necessary.

      And BTW, yet another atrocity is coming to the UK, facilitated by the policy of allowing a fifth column to mass within our borders.

    • Theres no such thing as Palestinians – it’s a made up name for a bunch of arabs.
      PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said this in 1977:

      The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.

      For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

      The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.
      The fact that the average “palestinian” cannot even pronounce the word Palestine might give you an additional clue as was the fact that Yasser Arafat was egyptian.

      Theres nearly 1/2 billion arabs and less than 8 million Israelis.

  4. I think we should have a whip round on here and other similar blogs. Would be easy for us all to chip in and buy a plane ticket to Gaza for Owen Jones. We need an on the ground perspective from him, so we can all know the truth about what’s going on there.

  5. “Jewish babies roasted alive while their mother is forced to listen to their cries of agony as she is being raped.” Uh-huh. What about all the beheaded Israeli babies we heard about a few weeks ago? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten them already. What’s the current verified number?

  6. He is a genuinely nasty piece of work. Arrogant, intolerant and obnoxious. May even be more evil than Richard Murphy (which I didn’t think possible) – either way I hope the Sayeret Matkal get hold of him and he can lecture them on ‘islamophobia’

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