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May 24, 2024 Longrider 6

The whole concept of international law is farcical. One group of countries thinks it’s okay to tell others how to conduct themselves. Now we have […]

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Only Israel

April 15, 2024 Longrider 20

It seems that the usual rules don’t apply when it comes to Israel. The atrocity that happened last October was a reasonable justification for turning […]

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Good For Him

March 30, 2024 Longrider 8

Someone called Olly, who I have never heard of until now is standing firm. Olly Alexander has rejected calls to pull out of the Eurovision […]

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How We Have Fallen

February 22, 2024 Longrider 15

The men who liberated the concentration camps doubtless never imagined that their grandchildren’s generation would revive the antisemitism of the 1930s. Police stood by as the […]

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Jumping the Gun

February 18, 2024 Longrider 7

I wasn’t aware that Sir Kneelalot was the PM of Israel. Sir Keir Starmer has called for an end to the fighting in Gaza “now” as […]

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Currying Favour

February 14, 2024 Longrider 12

It does rather look as if Paul Currie has shot himself in the foot. A Jewish theatregoer who was hounded out of London‘s Soho Theatre by […]

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Of Course, They Won’t

February 11, 2024 Longrider 6

Expecting Labour to deal with the antisemites in their ranks? Don’t be silly. A Labour by-election candidate who accused Israel of allowing the October 7 Hamas massacre to go ahead to […]

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January 30, 2024 Longrider 6

Cameron. Foreign secretary David Cameron has sparked a backlash from Tory MPs after he suggested Britain could bring forward formal UK recognition of a Palestinian state. The former […]

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He’s Worried

January 10, 2024 Longrider 13

David Cameron is concerned about Israel. Lord David Cameron has said he is “worried” Israel may have broken international law in Gaza. The foreign secretary […]

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That’ll Go Well

December 24, 2023 Longrider 8

Iran is threatening to close off the Gibraltar Strait. Iran has threatened to close off the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea if Israel and its allies […]