Oh Dear, How Sad,

Good riddance.

Carol Vorderman says she is leaving her Saturday-morning show on BBC Radio Wales.

The 62-year-old star has hosted her Saturday show since 2019, but has since announced the decision to quit the programme. Former Countdown star Carol decided to leave over the broadcaster’s new social media guidelines.

Carol regularly shares her opinions on politics and the government on social media and she revealed in her statement to announce her decision to quit, that the BBC’s new guidelines apply to her social media posts – despite her radio show “being light-hearted with no political content”. She added how she is “not prepared to lose my voice on social media” – as she regularly shares her opinions on politics and the government on Twitter.

Other sources suggest that she was sacked. Either way, she can rant about the Tories in public, or she can be a BBC presenter, just not both. Either way, I’m happy to see the back of her. She’s a typical tedious sleb with little in the way of wit and nothing of any use to impart. Her politics haven’t progressed since she was in the sixth form. She was better when she just did maths.


  1. I’m not sure about this one. Is she uploading political tweets while at work? If not, is what she tweets in her own time any business of her employers? The post states that her show has no political content. I understand that people in the media might have to be held to different standards to everyday plebs but it seems to me that her twitter content is her own business.

    • Any other media channel, I’d agree, but the is the BBC. Her salary was being extorted with threats from the public. They have a duty of impartiality. At least she now gets this, unlike that arsehole Lineker. If they want to speak out, work for another organisation, but don’t do it on the public dime.

      • Personally, I think that even working for the BBC should not stop you speaking out in your private life. As long as she doesn’t do it on the BBCs dime. However there are a lot in the BBC that do just that. Will they get the same as she did? I suspect not they just didn’t like her so she had to go.

        In the meantime I and many others have been persecuted by my employers for having an opinion they didn’t like. I actually lost money over this. Then for the next few years I regularly made a point of mentioning it when it came to feedback time. I’m sorry I’m not allowed to have an opinion on that, or I’m not willing to participate because I may get sacked. When asked by people that didn’t know I would simply say to my manager. John can confirm I was persecuted and threatened with loss of job for simply stating facts.

        So it isn’t just the BBC.

        • Under normal circumstances, I’d agree with you. However, her salary is paid using demands with menaces. The people who are being subjected to her sanctimonious drivel are also being forced to pay for it. Given that they are all at it, and treat the charter with impunity, the gloves are off as far as I am concerned. Fuck’em. Fuck’em all to Hell and back.

  2. Another no talent gobby cow who thinks that, because she’s been on the telly (adding up), her opinion is worth more than those who have a proper job and live in the real world. Goodness knows how much ‘medical assistance’ she’s had in order to try and fool the world she’s some sort of milf (don’t bother love, you’re not). There is a time limit on limited talent. Perhaps she should accept that hers had been and gone. By the way, I understand McDonalds are recruiting.

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