
This imbecile thinks highly of himself.

The eco-nut who threw eggs at the King is using their crime as clout as they posts ‘antisemitic’ tweets about Israel on social media.

Patrick Thelwell, 24, who uses ‘they/them’ gender-neutral pronouns, proudly calls themselves the ‘egger of monarchs’ on X, formerly Twitter – and starts their replies to other accounts by saying ‘I’m the person who egged the King’.

In posts shared on their social media, they claim the Israeli Defence Forces are unleashing a ‘second Holocaust’, says Palestinians are being forced into a ‘new concentration camp’ and calls the Gaza strip ‘the Gaza Ghetto’.

Further messages compare the Jewish state, the UK and the US to ‘Nazi Germany‘ and blast the war in Gaza as ‘the most brazen extermination campaign many of us will have ever witnessed’. In another they say Israel must be stopped ‘by any means necessary’.

Thelwell has been blasted by Jewish groups – who rage that the ‘non-entity’ activist ‘should be shunned by every decent, patriotic Briton’.

Let’s see… Ignorant of history and politics. He announces himself as a egger of royals, but can’t even throw straight, so he isn’t. That’s three out of three.

His twitter pronunciations are pure lies. He also doesn’t know what ethnic cleansing actually is and his claims about concentration camps are toxic bullshit. Of course this rancid jerk takes the part of the terrorists of Hamas, what would we expect of someone so uneducated and stupid? Scratch a lefty student, find an antisemite.

Oh, and he isn’t a plural, either. He’s a moronic tosser. So, as a decent Briton, I very much shun him. He represents everything that is vile about modern Britain. Ignorant, stupid, narcissistic, nasty and downright moronic. A vile individual. It pisses me off that the media indulge his narcissistic pronoun bollocks as well. I, however, will do no such thing. He’s a bloke and we have pronouns for blokes. This non binary bullshit is typical of the attention seeking behaviour we can except from the low intellect of the modern student.

On the subject of genocide by Israel that these twats regularly trot out, I can only suggest that the Israeli’s ain’t doing it right.

Israel’s military has delivered more than 4,000 litres of drinking water and 1,500 food rations to the Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip.

This is according to what the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said on Friday on platform X, formerly Twitter.

The post showed a lorry with water bottles and the unloading of a pallet by a forklift truck.

I’m pretty sure that’s not how you do genocide.


  1. But, but… how is he going to be *important* if he isn’t allowed to Make Stuff Up? And if he isn’t *important* he won’t be feted by activist groups or (the eventual aim perhaps?) invited to take part in ‘reality’ shows.

    • All of which is true. It does, however show us just how low we have dropped as a society in that we tolerate such behaviour. He really is a thoroughly vile individual. In any decent society, he would be shunned and anyone he came across would turn their backs.

  2. A 24 yo student? Of what? Not fashion. Who finances it.
    Intersectional Veganism?
    Some body knows where this thing lives.

  3. Well King Charles surely needs taking to task for being so forthright in speaking out against all the green bollocks surely? I mean, could an eco warrior have chosen a less appropriate target than the Right Royal Hippy?

  4. I look forward to him popping over to have a chat with his Hamas mates. I am sure the view dangling from a crane or standing on the roof of a very tall building will confirm his views that it’s the Israelies who are the bad guys. Considering starting up a GoFundMe page so as to send the “Queers for Palestine” lot over there (with probably similar results.

  5. Is there a parallel between the idea of the length of life versus the quality of life and the idea of the length of education versus the quality of education? In both cases our rulers prefer the former and in both cases they are wrong. In the case of life the question is somewhat subjective. In the case of education, students have been forced to stay in school far longer and, as a result, numeracy and literacy standards have plummeted.

  6. It has a LinkedIn page of course.

    Politics and international relation from York (i.e. total slam dunk against any arguments you degenerate white nazi genocidal racist vermin conjure up from the filthy sewer you fester in)

    Self employed activist it would appear (I’m sure mummy and daddy are proud as they are doubtless doing the “employing”)

    “citizen of earth”
    “Advocate of a united people of earth”
    “Democratic confederalism and cosmocracy for solidarity, peace, justice and love”


    Numeracy and literacy can be cured, but this sort of vicious, deep seated arrogant disdain for every imaginable standard of civics and common sense?

    I very much doubt it and when reality does catch up with the turd, I’m trying to imagine what sort of contrition, realisation or regret (big if I know!) – no matter how genuine it might be – would elicit any shred of sympathy for the subsequent life of misery given the sheer puerile destructiveness of said turd as it currently is.

    If this is the future, the islamofilth are welcome to it! Maybe I’ll spend my twilight years helping to throw them off high buildings.

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