
Okay, yeah, I know, the Guardian, so what do we expect?

Geert Wilders’ win shows the far right is being normalised. Mainstream parties must act

The far right is not being normalised. This is what normal people call lying. The sensible, decent mainstream are now finding a voice and the far left – such as arseholes who write for the Guardian – don’t like it. The far right – for they do exist – are a tiny minority of lunatics. The vast majority who have been side-lined and told they are far right are most certainly not.

Wanting to limit immigration and cultural enrichment by a hostile religion is not remotely far right. It is a perfectly rational reaction to a population when threatened with invasion. Objecting to the climate extremism peddled by scientifically illiterate politicians and advisors and their useful idiots is not far right, it is sensible, pragmatic common sense.

I am beginning to think that Wilders’ victory is the start of a pushback by the silent, reasonable majority against the nastiness of the misanthropic leftist politics espoused by the establishment. Mainstream parties are so out of touch with normality, they need to go – along with much of the media. Indeed, alternative media is already overtaking the legacy media in terms of relevance and honesty.

The Guardian is evil. It is so far to the left, that if he was alive, Stalin would be castigated by these fuckers as being far right.

The Party for Freedom leader succeeded last week because he has become part of the Dutch political furniture. This disturbing trend needs to be halted

See what I mean? They don’t like a democratic outcome, so it must be halted – the voices of the demos be damned.


  1. The Party for Freedom leader succeeded last week because he has become part of the Dutch political furniture. This disturbing trend needs to be halted

    The extremists of the left in Europe want any non-leftwing parties that might undermine their March through the Institutions to be banned. Just like they’re talking about banning the AfD in Germany.

    What these idiots don’t seem to understand is that by removing democratic alternatives you don’t force people to vote for your leftist bullshit, you just make eventual civil war inevitable.

    I don’t know whose going to be on the UK General Election ballot for 2024, but I won’t be voting for any of the main parties, because they are all contaminated with the same sort of “magical thinking” on both the Muslim Invasion and also NetZero.

    Probably vote Reform if they have a candidate in my constituency, not because of any love of Richard Tice’s mob, but because they are the least objectionable at the moment.

    I suspect I won’t be alone.

  2. Being that I am a deplorable extreme right winger I think that we need to push the Islamic deeper into their Death Cult to split them off from Sir Kneel Starmer’s lot. The cons in the Conservative have made them unelectable.
    Then Reform or Reclaim stand a chance, if they do not get beaten by the Screaming Loonies.

  3. The long march through the institutions has resulted in a predominantly leftish Establishment. The activists are trying to drag the Establishment even further left.

    The Overton Window of acceptable ideas is being pulled and stretched leftwards more and more – but the right side of the frame is staying put, and eventually the Overton Window will snap back to something more balanced.

    You would expect to see leftish activists getting more and more upset as further progress leftwards becomes progressively (see what I did there?) harder – and I guess we are now seeing that. It’s about time.

  4. I’ll quote from Terry Pratchett’s Night Watch (although his writing tends towards Socialism, this one is spot on):

    “People on the side of The People always ended up disappointed, in any case. They found that The People tended not to be grateful or appreciative or forward-thinking or obedient. The People tended to be small-minded and conservative and not very clever and were even distrustful of cleverness. And so the children of the revolution were faced with the age-old problem: it wasn’t that you had the wrong kind of government, which was obvious, but that you had the wrong kind of people”.

    Very Soviet “create the new Soviet man” (and woman, of course).

  5. The last paragraph is a corker Society is inherently diverse, comprising individuals and groups with differing values and preferences. “The voter”, a term repeatedly used by Dutch politicians to suggest that citizens are united in their beliefs, does not exist. Mainstream parties should recognise this and steer well clear of the far right’s anti-liberal frame that there is a “general will”.

    On that basis (there is no ‘general will’) we should look to abandon

    – Net Zero and the decarbonisation of modern economies on th basis of flawed science
    – The normalisation of extreme sexual deviance and child abuse under the guise of ‘Trans rights’
    – The institutionalisation of racism as state policy through Critical Race Theory

    I’ll bet that’s one article you won’t see in the Guardian, whatever the author’s nationality…

    • Well, indeed. Yet, what is happening indicates that his argument is entirely false. There is a general will – a general will not to be overcome by Islamism, a general will not to have the farms shut down and so on.

      I also find it amusing that he is calling – without any evidence – that so called far right parties are anti liberal. What parties are busy clamping down on free speech? What parties are trying to restrict our movements on the basis of climate wankery? What parties locked us up for months at a time?

      The idiocy and lack of self awareness from this moron is outstanding.

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