Self Destruct

The little worm, Omid Scobie, writing his tittle-tattle book might prove to be the final death knell for the Sussexes.

Meghan Markle’s Hollywood relaunch is ‘not going to plan’ and may already have been sunk because the royal race row sparked by Omid Scobie’s new book could make her ‘too hot to handle‘, experts told MailOnline today.

The Duchess of Sussex recently signed with William Morris Endeavor (WME) mega-agent Ari Emanuel whose roster includes Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, tennis star Serena Williams, and other A-Listers.

Brand and culture expert Nick Ede told MailOnline today that Endgame could be as dangerous for her career as Spare was for Prince Harry, claiming her representatives in LA will be worried she has ‘tarnished her reputation and could potentially damage the reputation of her agency’.

And it was all going so well. A little known actress who bagged a prince seemed to have it all going for her. She was welcomed by the British public and became royalty. Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t what she wanted. There’s a rigid schedule of engagements, there’s rules to follow and being a princess isn’t all about looking pretty and being adored – she was expected to work for the privilege. That’s how a constitutional monarchy works. But hard work wasn’t on Meghan’s agenda and she didn’t like the bargain one little bit.

Since then, her spiteful and narcissistic nature has taken over to such an extent that she is now poison. I don’t doubt that the agency will eventually drop her for the reasons they state. The British people don’t want her because she is toxic and everywhere she goes, she makes enemies of those around her – including her own family.

She seems incapable of stopping herself. There’s something deeply self destructive about her nature. Her acting career before Harry was hardly stellar. Indeed, it is only her marriage that lifted her from relative obscurity to A list territory, so it was never about talent as that seems to be in short supply. The poisonous drip, drip, drip of tale telling will run its course and with each one, more people will choose to distance themselves. This couple make the Windsors look good in comparison.


  1. I think people are reacting to all this ‘racist’ talk for what it is, nothing. Asking or wondering the colour of a child’s skin, hair colour, gender is only curiosity, nothing more. It doesn’t make you a racist. I wonder if the coloured members of the family had the same conversation, ie would they be red heads?
    There are people that are racist, it’s usually through ignorance or the kind of person who is a bully. There’s no place for that attitude but currently it’s all getting out of hand.

  2. I’ve always thought that the best approach to Harry and Megan was to ignore them. But, like a slow motion train crash, it’s sometimes hard to look away. Is there some satisfaction in watching people with such a privileged start screwing up their lives?

  3. I don’t often agree with Piers Morgan but he did the right thing re calling them out – they are lying through their teeth and they, if anything, are the real racists.

  4. There’s a YouTube channel called Martin Decoder
    Analyses language used in speeches and interviews to tell you what people are like. Quite interesting.
    Has done quite a few videos on Markle and Harry.

    Her speeches range from self aggrandising to outright horrific.
    She’s a big fan of Rwanda because 64% (iirc, may be 68%) of their politicians are female and go gurl powah!
    Doesn’t seem to register with her that celebrating this is in extremely poor taste as women are highly represented in politics BECAUSE ALL THEIR MEN WERE GENOCIDED!!!!!

    Apologies for shouting. After hearing her say that, my opinion changed from casually finding mild amusement at her antics to actually wishing she crashes and burns on the most publicly humiliating way possible.

  5. Ghastly woman.

    I like a flutter, and I’ll put good money on her divorcing Harry Halfwit within 3 years.

    H’s treachery deserves the Edward VIII treatment from the rest of the in-breeds. Strip him of all titles, sinecures, honourary positions, etc and exile him to France.

    • Nah not France, send them to the Bahamas like Edward in WW2 – then she’ll really know what racism is. And so will he.

      Oh and then he can pay reparations out of all the grift they’ve had.

      Shame I don’t live in Sussex anymore or I could say “not my Duke”

  6. I wonder what color Meagain really is. She has 50 shades of beige in her foundation chest.
    And then there is that career killer of D-list arm-candy actresses – Age. She does not seem to be cut out for middle aged matronly roles.
    Well, Hell mend them.

  7. This disgusting creature and her brain dead poodle can SO fuck off they’d leave a black hole (pun intended!) in their wake.

    Going on the Winfrey things attention whore fest and making the “wacism” claim like that was SO calculated it made the Wansee conference look like an accidental faux pas.

    The filthy skank knew EXACTLY what the result would be.

    If it was up to me, I’d have stripped them of titles, allowances, security and ANY vestige of provision from this country and its taxpayers from now till the end of time. I’d have vapourised them in the Orwellian sense.

    I’d have sent the damned SAS to tear the clothes off their backs if a single penny of taxpayers money had gone towards them.

    Unfortunately, this will not happen and ginger moron will doubtless come crawling back in a few years. She will continue to whore of course, and I would feel sorry for pol pot if the skank were to latch onto him (yes, yes, I know he’s dead)

    • I don’t think a little thing like him being dead would bother her if there was publicity/money in it

      • Maybe the mormons already have married them.

        I believe they do this sort of thing (or did, not sure if they still do but it must be a damned sight easier these days), gathering data on people and marrying them under mormon law (or whatever) in secret to save them in the hereafter.

  8. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: She’s a starry-eyed middle-class American who thought being an Actual Royal Princess would be all balls and flunkeys, deference and kow-towing, only to find out it’s pretending to be interested in what a class of obnoxious primary-school kids did on their holidays on a wet Tuesday in Wolverhampton.

    Princess Karen wants to speak to the manager.

    “everywhere she goes, she makes enemies of those around her – including her own family.”

    Yep. Should’ve been a red flag, that.

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