Reform U-Turn

It does look as if Reform UK are going to stand in Kingswood after all.

Reform UK leader Richard Tice described the Kingswood by-election as “a scandal of selfishness, of hypocrisy, and of grotesque abuse of taxpayers’ cash” and initially refused to put up a candidate.

But Mr Lowe, 66, who stood as a Referendum Party general election candidate in The Cotswolds in 1997, finishing fourth, told the Daily Express of his intention to stand with the full support of his boss.

The outcome will be interesting.


  1. Didn’t the sitting MP resign in protest at the Government issuing licences for oil and gas exploration? Excellent timing as several places, Northern Ireland and Alberta in Canada to name two, have been close to having their electricity grids crashing due to them having closed their coal fired power stations and replaced them with nothing but wind turbines. They have been saved only by importing electricity from places that haven’t been so stupid (yet). I don’t suppose that you will hear about any of this in the media.

  2. My big problem with Reform is their “one in one out” immigration policy. This is out of touch with public mood which is quite relaxed about immigration to study or work, but not about immigrants in small boats from France or who come to marry cousins.

  3. The only net zero I’m interested in is zero immigrants.

    Gross zero is better.

    In fact instant, no appeal deportations of ALL non UK passport holders, and a full review of passports granted to all non UK citizens over the last 50 years.

    • I am less concerned about people from Europe, USA, Australia for example than I am about Muslims. Also, it depends on what they are doing. If they are doing work that we need and where we have a skills shortage and are paying into our system and integrate into our societal norms, than I’m fine with it. Boats full of rapey cultural enrichers, less so.

      • I don’t care where they are from, we’re full, bursting to capacity.

        The UK infrastructure just cannot cope. Socially we cannot cope. We lack housing, medical facilities, transportation infrastructure, policing and the court system etc, etc

        It is utterly insane to have literally millions of people under-employed or unemployed, with millions more surviving (just) whilst in work because their shit wages are being subsidised with universal credit.

        Skill gaps is bullshit. Medical degrees from Karachi don’t count anyway. Let’s massively ramp up training our own medics. Spend the billions and billions we piss away on housing the world’s detritus on training and education to close those gaps. Stop the ludicrous ‘University’ target of 50% of school leavers attending, shut down the red brick universities and re-open tech colleges, churning out brickies, sparkles, chippies, etc and build more houses. A lot more.

        Of course, these solutions all require a period of short term pain and a healthy dose of common sense. So we’re fecked.

        I recommend watching “gumball immigration” on poo-tube.

        • I agree regarding the cultural enrichers. There should be no immigration from Muslim countries. None at all, because they are like a parasite that eats the host from the inside out. However, limited immigration from similar countries to our own isn’t a problem. It isn’t Australians, Americans and French who are overwhelming us or trying to destroy our culture, is it?

          • As I previously stated, if we hadn’t pursued unfettered immigration since Blair decided to “rub the right’s nose in it” then normal patterns of migration, both in and out, would be fine, non muslim, backward shithole countries excepted.

            BUT, we are full. ZERO immigration until we can sort out the utter shit-show we have already, if that is possible. If that mean some Aussies can’t tie their kangaroos down in Essex, fair dinkum.

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