FFS Stop It.

It really is about time that whiny activists were told to fuck off then keep fucking off. All the time they are given an opportunity, they will take it.

A lawyer linked to the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) is being sued with her department after she made gender-critical statements at work, including expressing the belief that only women menstruate.

I’m hoping that this case will be kicked out. Stating the truth is an absolute defence. At least it is in a sane world, but I’m beginning to wonder these days.

According to Ms Duemmer Wrigley, the claimant – who has not been named – believes the existence of the network ‘has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and/or offensive environment for the claimant’.

This is the point where the claimant needs to be told firmly to fuck off. Having to hear biological facts does not create an intimidating or hostile environment. They do need to be faced with one though. One that doesn’t tolerate their insane delusions. I would also like to see this claimant not only lose this vexatious case, but to be hit with the costs.

Ms Duemmer Wrigley says she has submitted an ET3 Response – to respond to a claim of unlawful treatment made by an employee – and the next step will be the Preliminary Hearing on March 25.

That is where it needs to get kicked out, good and hard. Unless the claimant receives some punishment for this behaviour, it will continue, so yes, hit them with all parties costs – personally, not the taxpayer. The higher, the better. Bankrupt the bastard.


  1. From 1st April in Scotland saying this type of thing will be a ‘hate crime’ which will land you with a prison sentence.

    It’s appropriate that such a ridiculous law comes into force on April Fool’s Day.

    I find myself wondering if Labour plan to bring in a similar stupid law for the entire UK. I wouldn’t put it past the illiberal gits.

    • Yes, so stating established, scientifically proven facts will be illegal. That’s another gift from the Nazionalists to those daft enough to vote for them.

  2. Clown world.

    Will there ever come a time when you can say ‘thats it i’ve heard it all now’ without less than 5 minutes later they manage to scrape another layer from the bottom of the barrel.

  3. Ms Duemmer (pronounced duh-mmm-err) Wriggly has a delightfully Dickensian name for a devious lawyer. Up there with Uriah Heep, Thomas Gradgrind and the Veneerings.
    By the Ms I presume she self identifies as a female of the species.

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