James May be Right

About those awful Pride flags.

James May has criticised Pride organisers over the number of flags up in Britain’s cities marking the event, saying the decorations could be seen as ‘authoritarian’ and ‘oppressive’.

The whole movement is authoritarian and oppressive. Celebrate us or we will cancel you. If you don’t bow down before them, you are a phobe of some sort. So for a month we have to put up with their narcissistic posturing and their fucking dreadful flag. I never want to see a rainbow again.

It comes as June marks LGBT Pride month which celebrates members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.

I don’t want to celebrate them. The idea of celebrating which hole someone wants to put their junk in isn’t something I find particularly appealing.

The 61-year-old TV presenter said organisers were ‘borderline guilty’ of TMB (Too Much Bunting) which could come across as ‘authoritarian’ and ‘oppressive’. And, he said that World War Two started with too much bunting.

Um, well, yeah. I thought it was the invasion of the Sudetenland, but I’ll go with too much bunting as I suspect one of May’s rather dry quips.

His post reads: ‘Pride: while I have observed and admired what you have achieved over my lifetime, may I respectfully suggest that you are borderline guilty of Too Much Bunting (TMB).

Apart from decriminalising homosexuality, I have never admired them. There is nothing to admire. Pride is, after all, a sin.

All that said, when you look at the image he shares of the grotesque display along Regent Street, he may have a point about likening it to the displays of swastikas in Nazi Germany.

Anyway, having wound the fuckers up, he’s standing firm and good for him.


  1. “Anyway, having wound the fuckers up, he’s standing firm and good for him.”

    Well, I hope he does stand firm and doesn’t apologise for what he’s said. Apologising to the terminally offended is the worst thing you can do.

    Like you, Mr L, I am thoroughly sick and tired of the whole ‘Pride’ thing. Look, homosexuality should not be illegal. But why can’t they keep what they do in their private lives, well, private? There’s no need for the media and virtue-signalling companies to shove homosexuality in our faces so often. And especially during so-called ‘Pride Month’. Just stop. Enough.

    (And don’t get me started on ‘Pride’ marches, in which you often have naked men and women with all their dangly bits out on display for all the world to see. Please just put your bits away. We don’t need to see that.)

  2. I was walking around today and noticed some pride flags on a building. “Hang on a minute” I said to myself “I can see different coloured stripes and the odd icon for various groups, but where is the much larger stripe or surround for all the straight people?”.

    But then I thought that if the sizes of the stripes were appropriate for the numbers of people of that inclination, a ‘beige’ stripe for the straights would probably dominate the flag and the rainbow would be inconspicuous. And that would be ‘against’ the rainbow, rainbowist as it were.

    My own question asked and answered in just a few seconds.

  3. Like you l don’t see why anyone should display ‘pride’ or anything else about their sexual orientation.
    I do, however, feel some pride at how our society has gone from persecuting gays and lesbians to ‘meh, now tell me something interesting about yourself’ in my lifetime. Is there an event or flag to celebrate that?

    • Except male homosexuality was NEVER persecuted. It was made illegal in the Victorian era though Queen Victoria refused to believe that women would indulge in lesbianism and would not sign off the relevant legislation to make that against the law so your including Lesbians as being persecuted is in error.

      Provided they did not flaunt their sexuality, kept their behaviour confined to their own home and were discreet, then they could indulge their tendencies. The only time that homosexual men were “persecuted” was if they flaunted their sexuality and took the attitude “I disagree with the law and will behave as I want”. Oscar Wilde is a prime example of the “persecution” but if you research his behaviour, it was ignored for a long while until the Police took action. I am certain that Wilde would be horrified by the outright flaunting, not only proclaiming their sexuality but their behaviour at their “Pride” parades. It is well beyond the standards of decency for the vast majority of people.

      In my youth (50 years ago) it was well known who was homosexual and the bars that they frequented. They were left alone and made their own arrangements but did not “swap spit” in public or dress like someone from one of the specialist lingerie catalogues for the more advanced user but blended in. Nigel Hawthorne is a good example. He is gay but got on with his life and was furious when he was outed a few years back. He is/was typical of the gay people I knew in my youth. Now? They are as bad as vegans and cross fit trainers.

      Their chanting “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” is, of course, light hearted banter, not to be taken seriously and you are a bigot for objecting. If a concerned parent said “I’m here, you queer. If you come for any of MY children, I’ll do something you will regret” would be prosecuted to the limit for hate speech and jail time would result. Tell me who is “persecuted” in that scenario.

      There will be a backlash sooner or later especially if they do push for paedophilia to be made legal, which is happening in Germany and in the USA where the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is pushing for their tendencies to be made legal. People will put up with a lot but harming their children will push them a step too far.

      For “The love that dare not speak its name”, the bar stewards will not shut up about it.

    • Don’t Hamas want to throw BLT people off the roofs of buildings? That’s something that groups such as ‘Queers for Palestine’ seem not to have noticed.

  4. The problem seems to be that the gay rights lobby, which once did have a legitimate beef, won their war and ended up at a loose end, no longer having a cause. Instead of winding down, moving on and finding something else to do they have ramped up the campaigning while pushing at an open door. Really gay people, nobody cares about your orientation and everyone is getting tired of hearing about it.

    On pride being a sin, well maybe it is for the Catholic Church, which finds its adherents easier to exploit if they have no self respect, but otherwise I don’t see being proud of yourself or your achievements as being any kind of vice. Being proud of your sexual orientation, which is something you have no control over, used to be a reaction to people saying that it’s something that you should be ashamed of. I’m not aware that many people say that any more.

  5. “I don’t see being proud of yourself or your achievements as being any kind of vice.”

    Is being gay an achievement? I thought you were born that way? So being proud to be gay is like being proud to have good eye sight, or proud to be 5’9″ tall, or whatever hand you’ve been dealt.

  6. Nothing will change until we get a government which represents the majority of people in this country instead of the interests of the blob and the Islington idiots.

    We need to withdraw from various international treaties and cease funding organisations that are against us (Asylum laws, ECHR, WHO, much of the UN) as well as repealing vast swathes of legislation that is opposed by the majority of the public (Hate law, Supreme Court, NetZero) and enable NetZero immigration for at least a decade.

    For all the hype, Labour are a one term thing, their general nature being offensive to the majority.

    The only problem is that neither of the two main parties reflect the views of the country, so one of them will have to go and it looks like it’s the Tories.

    Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

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