
The media is thoroughly disingenuous. Quelle surprise. So we get the headline.

Reform UK surges ahead of Tories in bombshell new poll despite raging Ukraine row

That Ukraine row was, in fact, Farage making some perfectly reasonable points that were taken out of context whereupon the media – all of the bastards – built a strawman that could be seen from Jupiter. Fortunately, people haven’t paid attention to this attempt to smear Farage as some sort of Russian stooge. It does appear that despite all the mud and milkshakes, he is riding high. It’s a combination of a mix of things. The choice between two dreadful potential prime minsters – a party that deserves to lose competing with a party that does not deserve to win. And, I guess, cometh the hour, cometh the man.

Just for one, I am enjoying this election campaign. The harder they try to smear Reform, the more it runs off them and the higher they climb in the polls. Jolly good, carry on.


  1. Without wishing to incite anyone to violence I thought it was enlightening how Sunak and Starmer have avoided flying milkshakes.

    I wonder if people cannot be bothered to waste any more good money on them?

    • Actually I think that the main factor that makes you a target is having arguments that the morons can’t refute. It’s easy to take down Sunak and Starmer just using words.

  2. Social media helps a lot.
    No longer are smaller parties at the whims of the (now-not-so) mighty legacy media.
    They try to smear, all a small party has to do is release a video on TwiXter/YouTube/TikTok with a rebuttal. Just like Farage did with a video showing his position has been consistent for about 10 years and him predicting it in EU parliament.
    You know he’s getting traction when BlackBeltBarrister does a video on YouTubes highlighting Farage’s response and how it shows consistency of Farage and bias in the media.

    And now, looking on TwiXter, one of the ‘Controversial’ candidates exposed by Channel 4, Andrew Parker, has been exposed as actually being an actor… with previous workings at, you guessed it, Channel 4.

    The more they try to take Reform down, the more popular they get. Curently 3% ahead of Tories in the polls.

      • Reform may not have all the answers but it is at least asking some of the right questions – ones the other parties (and polite society) seem to have decided shouldn’t be mentioned.
        Hope reform do well.

  3. A battle fought on ground of your enemies choosing is a battle lost.

    The Nige is simply not fighting on their ground which is why he’s winning.

    In not doing so, he exposes their sheer viciousness, vileness, utter hypocrisy and true hatred for the people of this country.

    And above all, their UTTER amateurish, infantile stupidity.

    It’s glorious!

  4. Reform UK and Farage still have a problem of how they are perceived by undecided voters, and uninformed voters.
    The idea that ‘Farage is a nasty man and says terrible things’ is still expressed quite often. But nobody who says that kind of thing can tell me what those ‘terrible things’ are. Just that ‘everybody knows’ . The problem that Reform UK and Farage have is that there are still thousands of people who don’t know what Reform UK and Farage say, only what people say that they say. And that is very often a dishonest representation.

    • People are becoming more aware, which is why Reform is doing so well. Farage did the jungle programme and in doing so let people out there see the real man and that his views chimed with so many ordinary people. Then there’s social media. Unlike the Uniparty, Reform seems to be on top of this.

      July 5th, one way or another will be interesting. It might be bitterly disappointing, of course, because our system is stacked against an emerging party, but an upset has happened before when the Liberals were pushed aside by Labour. With good fortune, the Tories will be facing a similar fate.

      • Mmm. Labour vs Reform (in time). A proper set of politics competing for support. Real passion, not confected sound bites.

  5. If you have to constantly misrepresent an opponent’s position it really proves that you have no case.

    On the subject of Reform becoming more popular because of such misrepresentations, isn’t that what happened with the Brexit vote?

  6. The smearing, and probably persecution to come, of Farage is having exactly the same effect as the out of control USA state persecution of Donald Trump.

    No of course the Granaudistas detest Farage (and anyone else not fully signed up to national self destruction) but then they barely have a single original thought of their own between them, but the always put upon working people of the country do think, ie if they can do this to him how easily they could ruin little me.

    Farage is getting far more publicity than he could ever buy and the msm can’t see they’re the ones actually promoting him because what he says the man in the street generally agrees with him.

    If he wins Clacton and Reform win a fair spattering of seats i might just piss mesen laughing, there’s a dyed in the wool Graun reader i know, her face will be like a smacked arse and i won’t be able to stifle it.

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