We Are Beyond This

The local Conservative election material.

As we get closer to the polls, it becomes increasingly obvious that it is a vote for the Conservatives that will give this piece of ordure the keys to number ten. Better really that the Tories stand aside and let the grown ups do the job of opposing him.

I have never responded well to negative campaigning and this is no exception.

‘People like me’ indeed. I’m not the one who, in government, allowed everything to slide to the point where the Conservative vote is about to collapse. We are the victims here and I don’t take kindly to my abuser blaming me.


  1. So what they are saying is, don’t vote Labour because their out of control spending and borrowing will be even worse than ours?

    I suppose it’s technically true that the Tories are terrible but Labour are even worse but that just means that you shouldn’t vote for either of them surely.

  2. It’s the sheer surreal unreality of it all.

    All I see from the tory/labour filth are haughty pronouncements of just how comprehensively they intend shitting on and spitting in the faces of those who are essentially their core voters.

    The tory core vote appears to be rapidly turning away, but what about the “red wall”

    The latest from Rayner (ye gods, what an absolute degenerate moronic piece of filth!) is an intention to openly force (rather than do it and simply deny, the MO to date) the illegal garbage on all boroughs in some sort of quota system.

    Christ on a bike, if the Nige gets into the cesspit, imagine what he will make of that!

    Come on red wall, it’s pretty well down to you. You simply cannot pretend that you don’t know what you are voting for.

    Of course your hatred of the tories is visceral (as is mine!) and your feelings of betrayal off the charts (ditto!) but DO NOT vote labour. You have alternatives!

    A labour “supermajority”?

    “Well, let’s see, but if it is the case, wastemonster will make the south african parliament look like Plato’s fucking academy!

    • This is what I don’t get. If you are one of Labour’s traditional core voters, you hate the Tories that’s a given. But then Labour are offering the exact same policies turned up to eleven. So you are hating the Tories just for not being batshit crazy enough?

      • Well the Nige is finally saying out loud what we’ve all been thinking for years. Illegal (and “legal”) gimmegration is a MAJOR concern and it cannot now be brushed under the carpet.

        The tory voter it would appear, has finally had belief in the tory party bludgeoned out of them. I just can’t see why this should not be happening to the labour voter (i.e. the red wall and similar) particularly given what the labour zoo has actually been saying and where their loyalties clearly lie.

        The wild card seems to be those voters previously apathetic who may now actually vote, and an indication (not sure how true) that it is reform – the one party who seems to be saying the previously unsayable – that might be animating them (and animating younger voters?) If a third of the electorate don’t normally vote, how many of them would it take to cause a genuine upset?

        Maybe reform is just one big gimmick and will fold like a cheap suite within weeks of the election. Well, they’ve had my vote.

        I do get that brexit feeling, and what give it to me is the general silence from all except the professional gobshites (empty vessels and all that). I mean of course, people I know and am in daily contact with, not in forums like this where anonymity does make one a bit more verbose (well it does for me at least)

        In 2016, I was struck by the silence, hearing hardly a peep out of people I knew who despised toytown austria-hungary as much as I did. No master More, silence does not mean consent!

        We’ll see in about a week or so.

        • There’s something in the air with this election.
          I felt it today.
          I don’t bring up politics at work, but people have been talking.
          Working in a large factory, there are lots of different people. From cleaners to professional engineers and skilled operators as well as managers on the career ladder.
          The majority of them are all so fed up with the two main cheeks of the same arse. Everyone wants a change and neither the Tories or Labour are it.
          It’s surprising what a wide range of people are being attracted to Reform.

      • This is so true. For the last 13 years, the Conservatives have governed as if they were Blair’s Labour, slowly tacking further left than even that.
        On most policies, Labour intend to do the same, but much moreso, and so you are exactly right – the country is about to say ‘we hated the Conservatives so much, we want much more of it all’.
        And Labour always run out of other people’s money just before being turfed out. This time, they are starting with no money (unsurprisingly after the Tories used Labour policies for 13 years or so).

        You really couldn’t make it up.

        • Arguably the Conservatives have recently governed as the Establishment, Labour previously governed as the Establishment, and so it is really the Establishment that is being challenged in this General Election.

          Although there is no ‘face’ to the Establishment it cares little for the ornamentation that ‘confirms’ democracy (the Lib Dems, the SNP etc) but is quite worried by Reform. Reform could actually change things (even with just a few MPs to hold the ‘rulers’ to account) and that would never do.

  3. Just another example of the patronising, dead cat policies Tories seem to think appeals to their core older voter. As you say LR it’s way past having any effect.
    Tories are discovering there’s only so many times you can ‘con’ people before they turn on you. Saw through labour 50 years ago, ashamed it has taken me so long to see through the Tories.

  4. Youse yins South of the Border have it easy. We, up in North Britain, have yet another layer of bam-pots. Bit like Judea in Life of Brian. All promising jam, and the rest, tomorrow. But it is all the same jam. Cheap jam, free jam, carbon free jam, jam cooked by sunlight and big magnifying glasses, big parabolic mirrors, furnaces fed with English tourists. No, I made that last one up.
    Fracking is bad, but stuffing suffocating carbon dioxide into subterranean crevices, in a mild earthquake zone, is super. Simultaneously raising employment and killing nasty industry.
    We are fucked.

    • Yep. Can’t really add to that.

      Except to give a running total of election bumf that’s come through my door so far: Labour, 2; Oily Al’s Alba Army, 1 (more like ½, really; I’ve seen bigger postcards); Reform, 1. From the two largest parties at the Holyrood Hellhole, a big fat zero. Well, if they can’t be arsed, neither can I.

      Mind you, I still don’t have my Substitute Voting Permit (‘cos I don’t have any photo-ID), so it might end up academic anyway. I’ll keep you all posted on that, because if my experience is typical I think it might turn into a National Scandal™.

  5. Even the Tories couldn’t put this dismal a display on accidentally…unless they really want to lose the election, which i’m now convinced they do.

    Who wants to be left holding the baby when the crap really hits the fans later in the year and the one to come, just look at the number of their own large rats deserting the already sunken ship this time.

    Economic and demographic destruction might be only side shows if (following like the lemmings we are the USA neocon lunatics) we manage to escalate into full open war against Russia, which effectively means against Russia China North Korea and who knows who else.
    China wouldn’t need to fight as such, if they stopped all economic dealings with the west we’d grind to a halt in days.

    A Trump win should prevent full scale war, but are they lunatic enough to provoke it before the USA elections and cancel/steal once again?

  6. I’ve spoken to a few people on this and the results are interesting.
    I live in a labour stronghold and it has been since the late 1980s when the tories took it for a season.
    Was in the dentist yesterday and ask the dentist and the assistant. Assistant is for Reform and Dentist is for Labour. In my friends house a senior manager was for Labour others were for reform with the 25 to 30 range not going to vote at all. I’ve a lot of Reforms, a few Labour, one Green and no Conservatives. Seems to me that older people are sticking with red because thats they way it has always been. Younger and radicals are for Reform and the mid range have been reduced to not caring. It will be interesting seeing what the results are.

  7. It seems that there are elements of the upper echelons of the Conservative party, who wants to lose. They aren’t conservatives they are Blairites and during their tenure, didn’t repeal a single piece of Blair’s toxic legacy; the caveat ridden Human Rights Act that actually removed them, the appalling Civil Contingencies Act, used during the Great Covid Scam, that destroyed our property and movement rights, and the truly disgusting RIPA Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act a misleadingly named snoopers charter that gave 240 state and NGO agencies an open season on spying on us, all in compliance with the rights removing Human Rights Act.
    Blair was very good at using fluffy sounding misleading names for policies that were the opposite to what the dangerous grinning jackanapes really intended. Look too at those “assemblies” to, as Blair said “devolve democracy” when the reality was devolving TYRANNY to unaccountable sociopaths with virtually no checks and balances, parliament included.
    Under Mr Nowhere Man Starmer and his appalling and thoroughly unlikable sidekick Ginger Growler Rayner, expect it to get far worse. They want it ALL, everything we have.
    I call this “Shit Sandwich Politics”, where everyone is beguiled by the wonderful artisan bread, while ignoring the filling, aka a gold plated turd, which despite the pretty coating, is still a turd.
    Watch this space.

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