God Help Us!

David Lammy.

Britain must reconnect with the rest of the world with major resets in climate change policy, and in the country’s relationships with Europe and with the global south, foreign secretary David Lammy has said in an interview with the Guardian before his first international trip.

Jeebus! We are now represented on the world stage by Mr Thicky from Thicksville, Thicksylvania. Christ on a bike!


  1. Just remember, it’s your fault and my fault and the fault of everybody else who didn’t vote tory.

    Not the fault of those who actually voted labour, or for those who voted limp dump, or anything else. Just those who didn’t vote tory (i.e. reform).

    For my part, thinking about it a bit more, it’s just confirmed what I had suspected, that this clown world shit show that is labour has to happen.

    I honestly believed the red wall had learned it’s lesson, but it would appear that too much of it hadn’t. They could have made the difference.

    For those who voted labour in good faith – decent, hard working people, struggling in low paying jobs – I’ve earned good money for too long to be able to properly relate anymore to what I once knew decades earlier.

    I’m not going to make any haughty or dismissive judgement as to your choice. I can see why you cling to the remnant belief that labour is somehow on your side and will provide some sort of assistance through the benefits system they (and the rest of the uniparty) have trapped you in.

    If you are one of those people reading this and I rant at labour voters, please understand I’m having a go at you. It’s the ones who have no excuse.

    Hopefully, it might be a final cleansing and the correction that follows it won’t be too nasty.

    The tories look doomed and I genuinely hope they are (but I’ll believe it when I actually see they bleached bones).

    It’s these decent, honest labour voters who will suffer most (I do know a few). They need to finally learn and it’s labour itself who will teach them.

    So let’s all just watch the shit show and laugh. More power to the Nige and his pithy and witty observational humour. He’s actually in Wastemonster now, so it make it harder for the uniparty, globo-filth to ignore him.

    But I have a nightmare!

    That in five years it will just be rinse and repeat, 2019 all over again and back to square one.

    Is the actual, total collapse of the country, western world the economic and industrial system that has given billions the chance of decency and freedom the only solution?

    If that is the case, the correction that comes out of it will make the housepainter blush!

  2. I wonder if anyone else has considered the thought that Muslims are voting Labour, until there is enough of them to vote islam, or is it only me?

    • Those “Independent” MP’s popping up in Muslim majority areas are effectively “Islamic MP’s”, they just can’t call themselves that, but you know damn well that is what they are calling them down the local Mosque.

      They’ll keep playing Labour and the Tories for the usual idiots they are until they have the numbers to raise their real flag, that of Islam and Sharia law.

  3. Considering that Lammy allegedly called Donald Trump, a Nazi psychopath, I can’t wait for the first meeting of our Foreign Secretary and a President Trump.
    Can we please play it several times a day on every TV channel, especially the BBC and Channel 4?

    • You beat me to it, Penseivat!

      For God’s sake, what are foreign leaders going to think when he rolls up to expound his ridiculous views!

      Idi Amin lookalike IMHO, and just as dangerous to the UK…

  4. And let’s not forget black smoke from the Vatican meaning a black pope!

    This might be Der Sturmer’s biggest fuck up.

    The one thing that these arrogant, entitled children can’t cope with is mockery.

    The world will doubtless howl with laughter and we will all join in. And Idi won’t see the funny side (Idi Amin would – in all seriousness – probably would have been better, because he probably would have laughed along. Those who he could have got hold of would have ended up in his fridge of course, but hey ho).

    And captain jellyfish dare not remove the oaf, because that would be waaaycist!

  5. Concur with all the above.
    How ridiculous can the whole farce get before the electorate realise what is going on?

  6. I am currently reading a book about the Fall of the Roman Empire.It is almost a guide to what is happening to the west at the moment.

  7. Lammy has been the Labour Shadow for his current role for since 2021. Over that time, you’d think he’d learn something about the UK’s needs in a foreign secretary, but clearly that has passed this idiot by.

    Starmer had to give him the job because…diversity or something, but given the seniority of the role, I doubt he’ll be kept on if he continues to behave like a bloody fool.

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