One to Avoid

The BBC is set to destroy yet another part of our history.

A new BBC drama about the Battle of Hastings will feature a diverse group of actors – as historians question why ‘colour-blind’ casting has been applied to a period ‘when Britain was at its least multicultural’.

King and Conqueror, an eight-part series, will tell the story of Harold and William’s fight for the English throne, which culminated with the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

Jason Forbes and Elander Moore are among a diverse set of actors who have been cast as Anglo-Saxon characters, The Telegraph reports.

They keep doing it, don’t they? Not content with black people in civil war England, they now want black Anglo Saxons. Well, fuck ’em. I won’t be watching. Just as I didn’t watch the Indian David Copperfield. This is our history and I will not watch these fuckers desecrate it with their wokery. That said, I don’t pay for a licence, so I suppose it’s all moot.

The BBC said the series would bring ‘Harold and William to life’, adding: ‘In the UK we learn about William the Conqueror, the Battle of Hastings and King Harold’s gruesome death in our school history lessons – but those headlines are all most of us can remember.’

I do know none of them were black.

Fuck ’em. Fuck ’em all to Hell and back.


  1. Battle between Harry and William – I have a feeling of déjà vu. Maybe he will be hit in the arse by the arrow in this version.

  2. The more i hear about almost everything the mainstream broadcasts the more pleased i am we are licence free and never watch any of their garbage.

    I’ve made some bloody stupid decisions over the course of my life, but along with avoiding the covid medical experiment ditching the mainstream media and state broadcaster many years ago were two decisions that couldn’t have been more right.

    One factory i go to regularly sometimes grab a bit of breakfast in the canteen.
    There’s a telly on the wall and its really quite creepy seeing staff glued to the infernal thing, shades of village of the damned.
    I face the other way and shut my shell likes off.

    • I’m the same. I do look at the MSM with a view to debunking their garbage. You never know, someone, somewhere, might be persuaded. But the BBC is now so utterly toxic, I barely scan their website and I certainly have no regrets about junking the licence.

    • Sometimes, they produce something worthwhile. The latest reboot of ‘Rebus’ or ‘QI’, are about the only things I can recall, though.

  3. It surprises me that black actors want to do this stuff. It’s like admitting the only work they can get is as a diversity hire because of the colour of their skin and nobody will touch them for their acting skills

  4. How likely is it that one of these ahistorical-persons-of-colour will turn out to be evil?

    It used to be a trope that villains wore black hats – perhaps the new trope is that they wear white skin.

  5. Until the BBC play Alan Carr as Nelson Mandella, I shall continue to believe that their ‘diversity’ is one way.

  6. Where are the Chinese? Or even far East Asians?
    Every town, village and hamlet in UK has them. Bigger cities had “China Towns”. Sherlock Holmes interacted with them. Why are they not whingeing about their poor representation in media and politics?
    The Norse interacted with them, so one of them appearing at Hastings among a bunch of Nor(th)men is more believable.

  7. This is just vicious, anti-white, anti-English (or British if you prefer) racism based on spite, envy, resentment and a monumental inferiority complex.

    The “minds” that come up with this are badically rabid, being infected with an uncontrollable urge to bite and destroy anything that (white, britsh, european, western) they see.

    I’m quite aware that too many of those responsible for garbage like this are white, but given that it’s the apartheid BBC, that is becoming an increasingly hard sell.

    I don’t fund this disgusting, degenerate cultural, intellectual and moral cesspit anymore so I suppose I can shrug.

    I’m just ashamed that I did so a good ten years (at least!) longer than I should.

    • “The “minds” that come up with this are badically rabid, being infected with an uncontrollable urge to bite and destroy anything that (white, britsh, european, western) they see.”

      But from the BBC’s point of view, it’s put a lot of bigots’ noses out of joint and got a lot of publicity. That’s a win.

      • “Minds” which, for some reason – unfathomable to neither (white) man nor beast – imagine their comfortable bubble will persist long after they have destroyed that which maintains it.

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