1. Yes, truly disgusting. She loves multi-millionaire diverse performers whose sole talent is kicking a ball. Despises the working class, just like every socialist intellectual.

  2. “The lovely nice talented footballers” really? Sounds like she is objectifying men.

    Oh and we don’t celebrate the footballers you daft bint.

    • Why is she surprised what people in England actually look like? She describes herself in her Twitter bio as a “council estate dweller”. Clearly that’s what social housing is for, to put a roof over the heads of Guardian journalists, and fellows of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University, and to allow them to observe members of the working class in their natural habitat.

  3. Prejudice is not a good look for anyone. Especially when some prejudices are driven by envy and spite.

  4. It might now change with the assassination attempt on Trump, but I’m constantly amazed that Leftists who hate the country and rapey RoPers don’t have their abhorrent behaviour confronted in a very visceral way.

  5. Not related to Lady Nugee perchance? another one who sneered at England fans as i recall.

    Not as those lovely nice talented footballers would give it a second glance, have a butchers in the mirror pet and ponder why one doesn’t throw stones from inside a glass house.

    • Yes, I recall that obnoxious snob and her comments about white van man and England flags. If these creatures hate the English so much why not piss off to some North African shithole where they will be treated with the respect they deserve?

  6. This creature is lost, irredeemably.

    It’s mind, such as it is, has been poisoned, and this happened too long ago. It really is difficult to see how it could ever be part of a civilized, civic society because these are concepts it simply cannot comprehend.

    When it gets old(er) it will never mellow, or ever see the error of its ways.

    By then, it may well be living in the “society” it purports to want. If so, I hope it gets everything that will be coming to it.

  7. I wonder what she looks like without the use of that “app” that perfectifies the complexion, face shape, teeth, eyebrows, lips, wrinkles, Adam’s apple, et al?

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