There is no Culture War

So they say. For crying out loud, sick jokes were to be expected.

Jacobs – a professor of integrative biology – wrote on the social media platform X: ‘When 4 inches really matters’.

Actually of the jokes and memes that have been going round since Saturday, this is one of the better ones. It was a joke. Dark, sure, but it’s normal after a dark event for the sick jokes to do the rounds. There is nothing in it. So, no, she shouldn’t be sacked.

This one made me chuckle though.


  1. Ordinarily, I would completely agree. However, we didn’t make the new rules. Alinsky says to hold them to their rules. Cancel them, repeatedly, and just maybe we’d get to a position where we have tolerance again. But it won’t happen until the left feels consequences. I wish it were otherwise, but that’s where we are. Sadly, this is a fight, and only one side is currently turning up.

  2. Humour can be quite dark sometimes – which is why ‘official’ lefty humour which denies unapproved attitudes is so anodyne and unfunny.

    However I am not in favour of ‘cancelling’ Shoshanna Jacobs in this case… the pushback she received is probably more effective than something that fuels a sense of (unmerited) victimhood.

  3. Yes, but was it meant as a joke or was it a wish that the shot hadn’t missed? What Jimmy Carr says on stage has a totally different value to a politician saying the same thing on TV.

  4. So it’s Trump and Farage who are attacked. A truly remarkable coincidence.

    If this is globo-filth giving the left-filth carte blanche to basically attack – physically – those who are opposing their degeneracy, are they so sure that these rabid animals won’t turn on them?

    Looking at the sheer “diversity” of degeneracy in the zoos that are the democratic and labour parties, will they be able to resist?

    In the previous post, we are looking forward to labour turning on itself.

    It may be more entertaining than we think?

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