1. 1976 was undeniably a hot summer. A really hot summer, in fact. Temperatures topped 32C (89.6F) somewhere in the UK for 15 days on the trot, climbing to a maximum of 35.9C on 3 July.

    source: the Guardian

    I remember 1976. I remember it being so hot for so long that I – as an 11 year old boy – didn’t want to play outside.

    It’s going to hit 30 on Friday? Wow…..

  2. A nice cool orange where I am. Should be safe enough to venture outside without fear of dying of heatstroke

  3. It’s around 50 years ago that ‘scientists’ were worried about the coming Ice Age.

    Must of missed it.

  4. The laughable claims from the climate alarmists that we are in the midst of an unprecedented hot summer must surely result in more people converting to the sceptic camp.

  5. “… more people converting to the sceptic camp.”

    Will include people like me, burning logs in the evenings of “the hottest June ever”

  6. Climate change, it’s the fours seasons we have every year, some are wetter, colder or hotter than others.

  7. That “scorching 31 degrees” barely reached 20 where I live, and a light jumper was required after 4pm.
    Bollocks indeed.

  8. You will probably not be surprised to find that a lot of people, especially the younger ones can be shivering in their homes wrapped up in blankets and still believe this climate scam is real. You can educate them but it is arduous work for little reward and won’t cover the next scam they hear either.

  9. The words they use is the tell: bright red, blast, scorching, smash…

    They’ll be running out of adjectives soon…

    The recuperated a/c units I fitted 4 years ago were last used 3 years ago for about 3 nights…

  10. One of those maps – the wxcharts.com one – turns red above 15C. Christ, that’s cold for this time of year even here in the frozen wastes of the north. (Yes, it seems to be showing midnight – something in the order of 5-10C here in Glasgow, apparently – but that doesn’t change the madness of the scale.)

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